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Committed To Living A Healthy Life
Train Like A Beast Look Like A Beauty
Please remember that my training and nutrition guides were custom made for my body and my goals. It's just to give you an idea of the amount of work and dedication that is needed in order to compete.
Week 1 - 2 Training (sets/reps): Glute Development
Cardio 5x per week for 40 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Lying Leg Curl 3/12
Leg Press (feet high/wide) 3/15
Machine Hip Abduction 3/15
Glute Pressdown (use pull up machine) 3/10 (per side)
Seated Calf Raise 3/15
Hyperextensions 3/15
Day 2 - Shoulders
DB Shoulder Press 3/13
DB Front Raise 3/12
Cable Lateral Raise 3/12 (per side)
Cable Face Pulls 3/12
BB Upright Row 3/12
Machine Reverse Delt Fly 3/12
Day 3 - Quads/Glutes
Front Squat 3/10
Leg Extensions 3/15
Weighted Step ups 3/12 (per side)
Leg Press (narrow stance) 3/15
Glute kickbacks (cable or machine) 3/12
Wall Sit 3/60 seconds
Day 4 - Back/Arms
Lateral Pull Down 3/12
Bent Over BB Row 3/12
Narrow Grip Seated Row 3/12
Renegade Row 3/12 (per side)
DB Bicep Curl 3/10
Cable Tripcep Extension 3/10
Day 5 - Abs/Glutes
A1. Russian Twist 3/40-60
A2. Lying Leg Raises 3/15
B1. Plank 3/60 seconds
B2. Side Plank 3/60 seconds (per side)
C1. Donkey Kicks (body weight) 3/15 (per side)
C2. Glute Bridge (with DB held on hips) 3/60 seconds
C3. Bulgarian Split Squat 3/12 (per side)
Week 3 - 4 Training (sets/reps): Glute Development
Cardio 5x per week for 40 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Lying Leg Curl 4/12
Leg Press (feet high/wide) 4/15
Machine Hip Abduction 4/15
Glute Pressdown (use pull up machine) 4/10 (per side)
Seated Calf Raise 4/15
Hyperextensions 4/15
Day 2 - Shoulders
DB Shoulder Press 4/13
DB Front Raise 4/12
Cable Lateral Raise 4/12 (per side)
Cable Face Pulls 4/12
BB Upright Row 4/12
Machine Reverse Delt Fly 4/12
Day 3 - Quads/Glutes
Front Squat 4/10
Leg Extensions 4/15
Weighted Step ups 4/12 (per side)
Leg Press (narrow stance) 4/15
Glute kickbacks (cable or machine) 4/12
Wall Sit 4/60 seconds
Day 4 - Back/Arms
Lateral Pull Down 4/12
Bent Over BB Row 4/12
Narrow Grip Seated Row 4/12
Renegade Row 4/12 (per side)
DB Bicep Curl 4/10
Cable Tripcep Extension 4/10
Day 5 - Abs/Glutes
A1. Russian Twist 4/40-60
A2. Lying Leg Raises 4/15
B1. Plank 4/60 seconds
B2. Side Plank 4/60 seconds (per side)
C1. Donkey Kicks (body weight) 4/15 (per side)
C2. Glute Bridge (with DB held on hips) 4/60 seconds
C3. Bulgarian Split Squat 4/12 (per side)
Week 5 - 6 Training (sets/reps): Shoulder Development
Week 5: Cardio 5x per week for 50 minutes
Week 6: Steady state cardio 3x per week for 50 minutes and HIIT 2x per week for 35 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Smith Machine Squat 3/15
BB Hip Thrusts 3/15
DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3/15 (per side)
A1. Fire hydrant 3/15 (per side)
A2. Donkey Kick 3/15 (per side)
A3. Sumo Squat 3/15
Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders
BB Shoulder Press 3/15
Incline DB Chest Press 3/15
A1. Dual Cable Pec Fly 3/15
A2. Dual Cable Rear Delt fly 3/15
DB Lateral Raise 3/15
Machine Chest Press 3/12
Day 3 - Quads/Glutes
Leg Extension 3/15
DB Walking Lunges 3/15 (per side)
A1. Cable Glute Kickbacks 3/15
A2. Cable Abductor 3/15
Leg Press Narrow 3/15
Gliding Leg Curl 3/15
Day 4 - Back/Arms
DB Single Arm Row 3/15
A1. Assisted Pull Ups 3/15
A2. Tricep Dips 3/15
21's 3/21
V-grip Seated Row 3/15
Wide Grip T-Bar Row 3/15
Day 5 - Abs/Shoulders
DB Seated Shoulder Press 3/15
Cable Lateral Raise 3/15
Cable Rope Front Raise 3/15
Cable Crunch 3/20
Russian Twist 3/40
Reverse Crunch 3/20
Decline Sit up (weighted) 3/10
Week 7 Training (sets/reps): Shoulder Development
Steady state cardio 2x per week for 50 minutes and HIIT 3x per week for 35 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Smith Machine Squat 4/15
BB Hip Thrusts 4/15
DB Bulgarian Split Squat 4/15 (per side)
A1. Fire hydrant 4/15 (per side)
A2. Donkey Kick 4/15 (per side)
A3. Sumo Squat 4/15
Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders
BB Shoulder Press 4/15
Incline DB Chest Press 4/15
A1. Dual Cable Pec Fly 4/15
A2. Dual Cable Rear Delt fly 4/15
DB Lateral Raise 4/15
Machine Chest Press 4/12
Day 3 - Quads/Glutes
Leg Extension 4/15
DB Walking Lunges 4/15 (per side)
A1. Cable Glute Kickbacks 4/15
A2. Cable Abductor 4/15
Leg Press Narrow 4/15
Gliding Leg Curl 4/15
Day 4 - Back/Arms
DB Single Arm Row 4/15
A1. Assisted Pull Ups 4/15
A2. Tricep Dips 4/15
21's 4/21
V-grip Seated Row 4/15
Wide Grip T-Bar Row 4/15
Day 5 - Abs/Shoulders
DB Seated Shoulder Press 4/15
Cable Lateral Raise 4/15
Cable Rope Front Raise 4/15
Cable Crunch 4/20
Russian Twist 4/40
Reverse Crunch 4/20
Decline Sit up (weighted) 4/10
Week 8 - 9 Training (sets/reps): Conditioning Phase
Steady state cardio 3x per week for 40 minutes and HIIT 3x per week for 40 minutes
Day 1 - Lowerbody
A1. Front Squat 3/12
A2. Lying Leg Curl 3/12
A3. Jumping Lunges 3/12 (per side)
B1. Leg Press (high and wide stance) 3/15
B2. Rope Pull Throughs 3/15
C1. Leg Extension 3/10
C2. RB Monster Walks 3/10 (per side)
Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders
Incline BB Chest Press 4/12
Flat DB Chest Fly 4/12
A1. BB Front Raise 3/12
A2. Empty Cans (pinkies up!) 3/12
B1. Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 3/15
B2. DB Shoulder Press 3/10
Day 3 - Back/Arms/Abs
Straight Arm Press Down 4/15
Underhand Narrow Lat Pull Down 4/10
Back Extension with weight 4/15-20
A1. DB Curl 3/12
A2. Rope Tricep Extension 3/12
B1. Plank 3/45-60 seconds
B2. Bench V-Ups 3/15
Day 4 - Lowerbody
Back Squat 4/10
Step Ups 3/12 (per side)
Smith Machine Lunge 3/15 (per side)
A1. Hip Abduction 4/15
A2. Hip Adduction 4/15
Single Leg, Leg Press 3/12 (per side); 4/12 (per side) for week 9
Day 5 - Shoulders/Arms/Abs
Straight Bar Cable Upright Row 4/12
Machine Shoulder Press 4/12
Standing DB Lateral Raises 1/55
Preacher Curl 3/12
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 3/10
A1. Bicycle Crunch 2/30-40
A2. Toe Taps 2/30-40
Week 10 Training (sets/reps): Conditioning Phase
Steady state cardio 3x per week for 40 minutes and HIIT 3x per week for 40 minutes
Day 1 - Lowerbody
A1. Front Squat 3/12
A2. Lying Leg Curl 3/12
A3. Jumping Lunges 3/12 (per side)
B1. Leg Press (high and wide stance) 4/15
B2. Rope Pull Throughs 4/15
C1. Leg Extension 3/10
C2. RB Monster Walks 3/10 (per side)
Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders
Incline BB Chest Press 4/12
Flat DB Chest Fly 4/12
A1. BB Front Raise 4/12
A2. Empty Cans (pinkies up!) 4/12
B1. Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 3/15
B2. DB Shoulder Press 3/10
Day 3 - Back/Arms/Abs
Straight Arm Press Down 4/15
Underhand Narrow Lat Pull Down 4/10
Back Extension with weight 4/15-20
A1. DB Curl 3/12
A2. Rope Tricep Extension 3/12
B1. Plank 3/45-60 seconds
B2. Bench V-Ups 3/15
Day 4 - Lowerbody
Back Squat 4/10
Step Ups 3/12 (per side)
Smith Machine Lunge 3/15 (per side)
A1. Hip Abduction 4/15
A2. Hip Adduction 4/15
Single Leg, Leg Press 4/12 (per side)
Day 5 - Shoulders/Arms/Abs
Straight Bar Cable Upright Row 4/12
Machine Shoulder Press 4/12
Standing DB Lateral Raises 1/55
Preacher Curl 3/12
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 3/10
A1. Bicycle Crunch 3/30-40
A2. Toe Taps 3/30-40
Week 11 Training (sets/reps): Conditioning Phase
Steady state cardio 3x per week for 45 minutes and HIIT 3x per week for 45 minutes
Day 1 - Lowerbody
A1. Front Squat 3/12
A2. Lying Leg Curl 3/12
A3. Jumping Lunges 3/12 (per side)
B1. Leg Press (high and wide stance) 4/15
B2. Rope Pull Throughs 4/15
C1. Leg Extension 4/10
C2. RB Monster Walks 4/10 (per side)
Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders
Incline BB Chest Press 4/12
Flat DB Chest Fly 4/12
A1. BB Front Raise 4/12
A2. Empty Cans (pinkies up!) 4/12
B1. Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 4/15
B2. DB Shoulder Press 4/10
Day 3 - Back/Arms/Abs
Straight Arm Press Down 4/15
Underhand Narrow Lat Pull Down 4/10
Back Extension with weight 4/15-20
A1. DB Curl 3/12
A2. Rope Tricep Extension 3/12
B1. Plank 3/45-60 seconds
B2. Bench V-Ups 3/15
Day 4 - Lowerbody
Back Squat 4/10
Step Ups 4/12 (per side)
Smith Machine Lunge 4/15 (per side)
A1. Hip Abduction 4/15
A2. Hip Adduction 4/15
Single Leg, Leg Press 4/12 (per side)
Day 5 - Shoulders/Arms/Abs
Straight Bar Cable Upright Row 4/12
Machine Shoulder Press 4/12
Standing DB Lateral Raises 1/55
Preacher Curl 3/12
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 3/10
A1. Bicycle Crunch 3/30-40
A2. Toe Taps 3/30-40
Week 12 - 13 Training (sets/reps): Depletion Phase
Steady state cardio 6x per week for 50 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Cable Glute Kickbacks 3/12 (per side)
Cable Hip Abduction 3/12 (per side)
Smith Machine Squat (feet out front slightly) 2/10
Smith Machine Squat (feet out front slightly) 1/20
Bulgarian Split Squat 3/12 (per side)
Curtsy Lunge 3/12 (per side)
Lying Leg Curl 2/12
Lying Leg Curl 1/45
Reverse Hyper Extension with stability ball (between feet) 2/30
Day 2 - Shoulders/Arms
Smith Machine Shoulder Press 3/10
A1. Barbell Curl 3/15
A2. Straight Bar Cable Tricep Extensions 3/15
DB Lateral Raise 3/12
DB Lateral Raise 1/50
Upright Row 3/15
DB Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 3/12
DB Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 1/25
Day 3 - Chest/Back
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3/10
Incline Dumbbell Press 3/12
Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Down 3/12 (per side)
V-Grip Seated Cable Row 3/15
Pec Dec 3/25
Machine Seated Chest Press 3/10
Pull ups 3/15
Day 4 - Quads/Abs
Leg Extension 3/12
Leg Extension 1/30
Back Squat 3/10
Dumbbell Walking Lunge 3/12 (per side)
Hanging Leg Raises 3/20
Cable Rope Crunches 3/25
Decline Sit ups with weight 3/15
Day 5 - Shoulders/Glutes
Military Press 3/10
Landmine Press 3/10 (per side)
Cable Reverse Delt Fly 3/15
DB Front Raise 3 /12 (per side)
Machine Lateral Raise 3/20
RB Fire Hydrants 3/20 (per side)
RB Glute Bridge with weight on hips 3/20
Week 14 - 15 Training (sets/reps): Depletion Phase
Steady state cardio 6x per week for 60 minutes
Day 1 - Glutes/Hamstrings
Cable Glute Kickbacks 3/12 (per side)
Cable Hip Abduction 3/12 (per side)
Smith Machine Squat (feet out front slightly) 3/10
Smith Machine Squat (feet out front slightly) 1/20
Bulgarian Split Squat 3/12 (per side)
Curtsy Lunge 3/12 (per side)
Lying Leg Curl 2/12
Lying Leg Curl 1/45
Reverse Hyper Extension with stability ball (between feet) 2/30
Day 2 - Shoulders/Arms
Smith Machine Shoulder Press 4/10
A1. Barbell Curl 3/15
A2. Straight Bar Cable Tricep Extensions 3/15
DB Lateral Raise 3/12
DB Lateral Raise 1/50
Upright Row 4/15
DB Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 3/12
DB Bent Over Rear Delt Fly 1/25
Day 3 - Chest/Back
Flat Barbell Bench Press 4/10
Incline Dumbbell Press 4/12
Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Down 4/12 (per side)
V-Grip Seated Cable Row 4/15
Pec Dec 4/25
Machine Seated Chest Press 4/10
Pull ups 4/15
Day 4 - Quads/Abs
Leg Extension 3/12
Leg Extension 1/30
Back Squat 3/10
Dumbbell Walking Lunge 3/12 (per side)
Hanging Leg Raises 4/20
Cable Rope Crunches 4/25
Decline Sit ups with weight 4/15
Day 5 - Shoulders/Glutes
Military Press 4/10
Landmine Press 4/10 (per side)
Cable Reverse Delt Fly 4/15
DB Front Raise 4 /12 (per side)
Machine Lateral Raise 4/20
RB Fire Hydrants 4/20 (per side)
RB Glute Bridge with weight on hips 4/20
Week 16 Training (sets/reps): Peak Week
Day 1 - Lower Body
Steady state cardio 50 mins
Leg Extension 3/10
Lying Leg Curl 3/10
Hyperextension 3/15
Walking BB Lunge 3/12 (per side)
Abs of your choice (nothing new/foreign) 3/10
Day 2 - Upper Body
Steady state cardio 50 mins
Seated Dumbbell Press 3/10
A1. Cable Rope Straight Arm Pull-Over 3/10
A2. Cable Rope Face Pull 3/10
B1. Cable Bicep Curl 3/12
B2. Cable Tricep Pushdown 3/12
Cable Later Raise 3/10 (per side)
Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly 3/10 (per side)
Day 3 - Lower Body
Cardio 50 mins (easy pace incline walk on treadmill)
A1. Leg Press 3/15
A2. Barbell Hip Thrust 3/15
Cable Glute Kick Back 3/12 (per side)
Cable Hip Abduction 3/12 (per side)
Abs of your choice (nothing new/foreign) 3/10
Day 4 - REST
Day 5 - Upper/Lower Body
Steady state cardio 50 mins
Standing DB Overhead Press 3/10
Lateral Pull Down 3/10
Cable Glute Kick Back 3/12 (per side)
Cable Hip Abduction 3/12 (per side)
DB Bicep Curl 3/10
Abs of your choice (nothing new/foreign) 3/10
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - Show Day