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Committed To Living A Healthy Life
From Gym Rat To At Home Workouts

I was a gym rat for years (4 years to be specific). I had finally found a gym that I enjoyed working out in (YMCA Fredericton, south side). It was a welcoming area and I loved the classes and instructors. I even went to the YMCA for a while with one of my best friends from childhood. She eventually moved to Ottawa and that left me solo at the gym but I continued on because I loved the atmosphere so much. At the time, it also made me realize the benefits of having a gym partner (accountability!).
My step sister, Sarah, knew my new found passion that I was developing for working out and had mentioned Insanity to me. Insanity is actually a Beachbody program that she was doing and loving (she wasn't a coach just a very happy customer). I thought what she was doing was interesting but didn't believe it was for me. I, of course, was going to the gym which I had assumed was the best way to obtain results (yeah, I was a workout snob back then). I continued on with the gym while she continued on with Insanity.

Months past before Allison (Jeff's sister) presented me with the 21 day fix program. Again, she wasn't a mentor (coach) but she thought that it might interest me. Initially, I thought "nope, I don't think this one is for me" but quickly thought "I bet this would be perfect for my mom". I knew the only way she would do it is if I did it with her since she had piles of workout programs that she had purchased but never put them to good use. The decision to help my mom for just 21 days by doing the program has literally been the decision that led me on the path to Beachbody mentoring. We completed the 21 days together taking before and after pictures (admittedly, I didn't follow the program 100% because I had my doubts and still thought my gym routine was superior). I had ASSUMED I wouldn't see results on this program because I was already 'fit & healthy' (of course, I was on the right path but I was still far from meeting my goals I had set out for myself).
I was pleasantly surprised when I actually dropped weight and inches in the 21 days and could actually notice the difference in my before and after pictures which can be seen here. I thought "oh my goodness imagine my results if I would have actually followed the program how it's meant to be followed". From that moment, I was hooked. I continued using the 21 day fix program for the next 5 months where I would follow the program as closely as possible for 21 days and then be more flexible for 1 week (aka treats in moderation).

For those 5 months I didn't drink Shakeology. I didn't think I needed it because 'it was just protein' (and I had my protein shake - Promasil) but it isn't just protein and I had to learn that the hard way. If you're interested in learning more about Shakeology click here (spoiler alert it is much more than just protein). During those 5 months I continued going to the YMCA so I was doing a combination of the 21 day fix workouts and my YMCA classes that I was attending. During those months, I was still motivating and encouraging my mom (she also continued with the 21 day fix and other Beachbody at home workouts). I also starting to encourage other family and friends and telling them about Beacchbody. I was being a Beachbody mentor without realizing it.
I finally decided that I would start mentoring. So many other people were doing it so why not me? There was absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be motivating and encouraging other people (and get paid to do so!). I found a mentor on Pinterest and felt like I connected with her instantly. She was a girl with big dreams who was following her heart and what she wanted to do. She seemed to be my kinda gal but I was so fearful. I sent her a message asking if I could be part of her team and since she said 'yes' - I never looked back. It's been one of the best decisions of my life.

Now, that I was a mentor I figured I really needed to 'up my game'. But what was I suppose to do? Thankfully, my coach showed me EXACTLY what to do in order to be successful. To this day, she is continually training our team - everyone is always up to date with everything in the Beachbody world (unfortunately, many Beachbody teams do not train their coaches and are just in it for a quick dollar. That also causes a problem for clients because then the clients do not get the full experience after they purchase a Beachbody program).
My At Home Gym

I was seeing AMAZING transformations from people ONLY doing Beachbody programs. As I started to grow my at home gym my attendance at the YMCA started to decline. I absolutely fell in love with the at home workouts. It was saving me time and money and more importantly I was seeing results that I wasn't seeing by attending the YMCA (accountability will do that to a person). The programs were incorporating the fitness as well as the nutrition (which is the part that is missing when purchasing a gym membership). My at home gym continues to grow and I get excited about the new equipment that I purchase. It feels so good to be able to wake up and workout without having to drive anywhere. I wish I would have been introduced to the idea years ago but it's better late than never! I am still a member at the YMCA and bring my Beachbody workouts to the gym. When I am short on time, I can still get my workout in since I can do it at home.
I've grown my at home gym because I have fallen in love with at home workouts but all this equipment is not necessarily needed for Beachbody programs. There are programs that just require you to show up (no equipment necessary) and many programs only require a small amount of equipment (usually a couple sizes of weights). If you are interested in Beachbody at home workouts you can sign up for a free membership!
Additionally, you can check out my monthly Accountability Groups that focus on a complete transformation where I will mentor you to your goals.
Fitness Enthusiast
Workout Classes at the YMCA that I have attended:
Yoga ♥♥
Group Power ♥♥♥
Tabata ♥♥
Centergy ♥♥
Athletic Training ♥
Circuit Training (taught by cross fit instructor) ♥♥♥
Step ♥
VO2 ♥♥♥
Interested in the YMCA?
Find your local Y
At home workout programs I have completed:
21 day fix ♥♥♥
21 day fix extreme ♥♥♥
The Master's Hammer & Chisel ♥♥♥
Body Beast ♥♥♥ (my favourite)
Country Heat ♥♥
22 Minute Hard Corps ♥ (least favourite)
Core De Force ♥♥
Live Beachbody Classes I have attended:
P90X ♥♥♥
Insanity ♥♥
At home workouts that I have tried (but not completed):
Insanity ♥♥
T25 ♥♥
Popsugar ♥♥
Fitness Blender ♥♥
Beachbody On Demand ♥♥♥
Runs events/obstacle courses that I have partipated in:
Santa Shuffle 2015: 5 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥♥
YFC Runway Run 2016: 5 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥♥
Push For Your Tush 2016: 10 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥
Mud Hero 2016: 6 km (Halifax, NS) ♥♥♥
Colour Run 2016: 5 km (St. John, NB) ♥♥♥
Foam Run 2016: 5 km (Moncton, NB) ♥♥
Fall Classic 2016: 10 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥♥
Chimo Run 2016: 10 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥
Run the River 2016: 5 km (Nackawic, NB) ♥♥♥
Santa Shuffle 2016: 5 km (Fredericton, NB) ♥♥♥
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