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Committed To Living A Healthy Life
Science and food - my two favourite things!
Science, in general, can be confusing (and conflicting) and is one reason why so many people are fearful about it. Let me tell you that science is a wonderful thing. It's everywhere in our lives and the more open minded we are and willing to learn the more we will begin to understand. My mission is to help people understand and begin to think scientifically rather than being fearful and dismiss things because of a pre-determined opinion. Even if you only use 'natural' products, having some scientific knowledge will help you make informed decisions when choosing your products because 'natural' is not always innocent (ie posionious mushrooms, snake venom or ivy). I live a fairly 'natural' lifestyle and through the years of transforming my life to a more green/'natural' lifestyle I have been able to choose my products wisely because of the scientific research I have done.