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Committed To Living A Healthy Life
Learning the Value of Food
Are you confused with why it is so important to eat nutrient dense foods?
Below is a simple explanation about the importance of fueling our bodies with the appropriate nutrients (food).
First, let’s look at a few sentences:
I looked at the stars and they looked back. The experience was of pulling a memory from someplace deep within my soul. I realized I was somewhere within the stars just as the star was within me.
If we remove the ‘o’ (or 1 essential nutrient), most people will still be able to read the sentences – we can infer, just as our bodies can adapt:
I lked at the stars and they lked back. The experience was f pulling a memry frm smeplace deep within my oul. I realized I was smewhere within the stars just as the star was within me.

Let’s take out the ‘s’ (or another essential nutrient) and we start to see how it becomes more difficult to read the sentences:
I lked at the tars and they lked back. The experience wa f pulling a memry frm meplace deep within my ul. I realized I wa mewhere within the tar jut a the tar wa within me.
Now, let’s add in symbols (or non essential nutrients/fillers/etc. - many of which are found in processed foods) and as you can see reading the sentences becomes very hard:
I lke*d at the t%$ars and they ^lked back. Th*@#e expe?>rien^ce wa f pu@>lling a memry f*rm m&eplace dee*p with+in my ul. I rea<%lized I wa me$@where wit#hin the tar ju*t a the tar w&a wit*%hin.
As you can see, if we remove letters/add symbols the communication is lost and there is no clear message. This is exactly what can happen to our bodies when we are nutrient deficient/insufficient and/or ingest substances that are not needed.
Source: http://www.thenhf.com/alchemical-nature-real-food/