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Committed To Living A Healthy Life
Life Is A Journey Not A Destination

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
30 years old
Nice to meet you!
"You are only confined by the walls you build yourself"...and I built large walls for myself for years. One day I decided I needed to remove those walls from my life and that has led me to where I am today. BTW what a freeing experience to do what you want to do!
I'm just a girl from a small town that started her life after high school by going to university (UNB - Fredericton, NB, Canada). I have a masters degree in chemistry but during my time as a student I lost myself (or maybe I didn't even really know who I was to begin with).
Between the stress of exams, Kraft Dinner/fast food and drinks I managed to gain 50 lbs as well as an emotional binge eating problem. Let me tell you, my 5'1" figure does not feel comfortable with an extra 50 lbs. I became scared to step on the scale (or look in mirrors) and the last number I remember seeing before I decided to make a change was 170 lbs (I would bet that number was closer to 180 lbs by the time I had hit rock bottom). I was so uncomfortable in my own skin and didn't love a single thing about myself. I am proud to say that I am comfortable in my own skin now and love myself more than I ever thought was imaginable.
During my final year as a student I decided I needed to make a lifestyle change to lose my weight and learn to love my body. I wasn't looking for a quick fix. Too many times, I have seen people lose weight just to gain it again because they didn't change their habits (I was one of those people in the past). I knew that I needed to replace the bad habits I managed to develop into good habits for long term success. Shortly after I started taking the steps to a healthier life many other things in my life began to fall into place including meeting my one and only, Jeff Stewart. Read about our love story here.
I started becoming interested in health & fitness specifically the foods that we decide to eat and how those foods affect our health (physically and mentally). I also became passionate about helping others achieve their health & fitness goals. I'm constantly learning about our bodies and what works for me as well as what works for other people. In the future, I may pursue this further and become a personal trainer but for now I encourage, motivate and help others by showing them what has worked for me and what I've seen work for others.
My interest continued to grow and people began to be inspired by me which has led me to where I am today. I am an independent team Beachbody mentor which allows me to encourage and support people from all over Canada and the United States (and soon internationally) in obtaining their goals by using programs that I've seen work on myself as well as many other people I know. I support and keep everyday people accountable to achieve their goals; consistency is the key to success. This passion has turned into my part time business. #girlboss My day time job is a chemist and I develop natural skin care products. I am passionate about both but love running my own business because I know I am working for myself towards my own dreams and not someone else's.
I've lost a lot of weight but I've gained confidence and the ability to just say "screw it - I'm going for it". My latest goal that I am working towards is to compete in the 2017 Atlantic Classics bikini competition. I am currently in prep mode and am sharing my journey with all of you. You can follow my progress here.
If you would like to know more about how I could help you in your health & fitness journey click here.
OR If you are interested in joining my team and building your own business click here.
Of course, you can always do both! And, as always, you are more than welcome to send me a message to ask more questions or just get to know me more (I would love to get to know you)!
I look forward to hearing from you and working with you.
Habit Is Overcome By Habit
{The Longer Version}

My Fitness Journey: From 170 lbs to 120 lbs
I grew up in a small community and was raised with my mom, grandmother and uncle. I never knew my father because he left when I was very young but I know I was raised in the best hands possible and I would not change it even if I could. I was always the 'goody two shoes' who never wanted to get in trouble largely because I didn't want to be a disappointment to my family. Growing up I thought every happy, sad or celebratory event needed to be based around food – that’s just how my family comes together. In my teenage years, I was very active and had a small interest in trying to eat healthy but it wasn’t very strong. I had a poor body image and was never satisfied by my appearance which I believe many people can relate.
As I started growing up, I wanted to change the world but I didn't know how I could do that. I decided I wanted to go to medical school and find cures for at least one of the diseases that take so many people away from us too soon. My first year university shattered those dreams because I realized I did not like biology so I needed a career change. I chose to obtain a degree in chemistry instead. As I went through my undergrad, I remember calling home on several occasions with various new degrees that I wanted to pursue. I was still unsure of my passion and what made me completely happy. Yes, I like chemistry and science and I am always reading up on the latest and greatest but it also isn't the thing that I hold most dearly to my heart. In my first year (actually only 8 months) of undergrad I gained 20 - 30 lbs by eating a lot of frozen quick meals along with some alcohol consumption and a pretty sedentary lifestyle the weight increased rapidly. In my final year of undergrad I managed to take some of that weight off by going to the gym but of course I didn’t stick with it.
After my undergrad, I went on to obtain my masters in Chemistry mainly because I still didn't have a clear vision of what I wanted to do with my life. During that time, I was in an unhealthy relationship. Between the stress of my masters and being in an unhealthy relationship I quickly gained weight again. This time it wasn't only my weight that took a hit but my whole life derailed to the point that one day I woke up not recognizing myself – physically and spiritually. I was 5’1” and 170 lbs. I was also turning to alcohol for a quick release but it was having a negative effect on every area of my life. I knew I needed to do something so I joined a gym and started learning about various healthy/clean/raw eating. I learned how to read the back of a food label and what it all meant. I asked questions to people I knew could help me but they were limited because I didn’t want to ‘bug’ them too much. I had success with it but what really changed everything was the 21 day fix meal plan and workouts (it was the complete package). A friend told me about 21 day fix and I was hesitant at first but a few people were on the program and I figured I would give it a shot. The meal plan was so simple to follow and it didn’t leave me feeling hungry (most days ;)). The workouts were really well done and only 30 minutes long (everyone can spare 30 minutes for a workout). BUT what I really loved was the community – the support given by mentors and other clients. It was finally a program where I didn’t feel like I was doing it alone. I found my mentor randomly through social media and am so happy I am able to work with her and an incredible team. I finally found a community where I fit in and have common interests and I am able to connect with them via online calls every Sunday night. The accountability/challenge groups allow everyone to feel like it’s a safe place to post good days or bad days and to get support and information from people within the groups, especially mentors. These groups work because I participate and keep myself accountable to the group which means I get the results I want to see in myself. Since I had such success I wanted to share the opportunity with friends/family and other Canadians. On my journey, I always longed for someone to be able to turn to and ask questions and get support but I didn’t have that option...but I want others to have it so they don’t have to feel the way I did! Weight loss can be a lonely road but it doesn’t have to be.
I have recently lost 50 lbs and have accomplished many goals such as running various 5 km and 10 km races, trying various Beachbody programs and fitness classes (yoga, weight lifting, cycling, swimming, circuit training, etc.), gaining confidence and loving my body. I am a Beachbody mentor (read why mentoring has won over my heart here) and I am so happy to be able to help others with their goals. I am no longer the person who needs food or alcohol to drown out reality or the person who was too intimidated to realize she was in an unhealthy relationship. I have learned to (and am continuing to learn to) deal with stress rather than letting it take over. Now, I look after myself because I don’t want to be the ‘old me’ and I want to make as many people feel as good as I do!
To Be Continued...
Enjoy The Little Things In Life