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Why Coaching Has Won Over My Heart

Photo credit: JM Photography

Everything I ever want is on the other side of fear. As I begin to write this post, my eyes have already started to fill with tears. I wouldn't be where I am today if I would have never made the decision to begin coaching. The crazy thing is that I never thought I would be who I am today because of coaching.

My continual growth from coaching and being encouraged to step outside my comfort zone has made me feel like I am on cloud 9 each and every single day. I get up excited and happy and healthy. I go to bed the same way. I remember always being scared to just be me around people. I always attempted to be like someone else...especially the girls that I considered popular. Suppressing who I was set me back because if I wasn't being me I wasn't ever able to grow. Attempting to be everyone and anyone besides myself got me in a state of sadness and thinking I did not have a purpose in life. With all this comes lack of confidence and no self love - how could I love myself when I didn't even know her? I was constantly disconnected from myself. It led me to dwell in the past and never looking forward to the future because I figured I would just "screw it up".

I decided to start coaching when I came across a social media post that caught my eye. I told myself "I want to be like that girl". It was my mimicking mind set that led me to start coaching in the first place. But boy was I ever shocked at what happened after I started coaching. I wasn't asked to be like someone else in fact I was asked to discover myself. I thought "Shit, I don't even know who I am". In that very moment, I realized what I had been doing my entire freakin' life. The people I admire, I admire them a lot and I got caught in the trap of wanting to be exactly like them. Of course, I only admired people who had similar core values and/or interests as me but I had become disconnected from myself.

I started coaching to help others but ended up helping myself (and continue to help myself) as well. Self love is something I actually have now and belief in what I can do and achieve is part of my life. Believing in myself was probably one of the hardest hurdles I have ever had to overcome. I would have bet on everyone else besides myself but that's not the case anymore. The every day personal development and support and love from my team is something that I cannot even explain - there are no words. Coaching also made me realize how healthy I am compared to many others and it's something that I don't take for granted anymore. I wake up every day appreciative that I can work out and have the choices to be able to choose the healthy food I want for the day. I love sushi and I remember never wanting to tell anyone because I didn't want the "eww" reaction. Now, I have zero problem telling people I love sushi or anything else I love. Coaching has given me a bigger purpose in life. I have the ability to help change another person's life for the better and that in itself is so rewarding. I now look forward to the future and making plans without thinking that I am just going to "screw everything up" instead I believe I will be the one who "makes it all work". The changes from coaching have helped me in all areas of life - work and relationship (boyfriend and family). I am the best possible me that I can be for all of my relationships. This part time job doesn't feel like a part time job. I work but the work is something that I am in love with doing. One of my favourite parts is being able to hear from my customers and hearing how their lives have changed simply because they decided they needed a change and I was able to be the one who they chose to help them. I am actually excited for the future for the first time in a long time (maybe ever). I am excited to continue to help people with their health & fitness goals but equally excited to continue to grow our team and show others how saying "yes" to a business opportunity can be so much more than imagined. Who would you be if you had nothing to fear?

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

Contact Info:
New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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