In the End We Only Regret The Chances We Didn't Take: Summit 2016
I didn't go to Summit 2016 and I regret that decision. One of the worst feelings in my opinion is regret because it was an opportunity (key word opportunity not hassle) that passed. I talk about never wanting to regret my future decisions (I have a lot of past regrets) and unfortunately I regret this one. Firstly, Summit is the largest training event for Beachbody and it only happens once a year. So, why didn't I got to Summit? I didn't realize how big and important and awesome this event really was until I saw my team go and post videos and pictures while they were there. Once they brought me through their Summit experience via live video streaming and pictures I immediately regretted the decision I had made. It was everything that I would have loved to experience for myself. I immediately knew that I wanted to be part of that experience next year.
I think many times when we don't understand something we immediately dismiss it. We don't like change and I hate to say it but we fear opportunity because we don't want to fail. BUT you will never succeed if you are not willing to fail first. All the greats have failed before they have ever succeeded but the difference between their success and others non success is that they never gave up.
Since I know many people in Canada are not even aware of Beachbody products or coaching opportunity I have been given permission from my team to share some of the videos and pictures they showed me. Below each picture/video I have written a brief explanation.
Opening Session of Summit 2016.
The Core - a place where everyone shops for Beachbody products including workout clothes!
Live PIYO workout by celebrity trainer Chalene Johnson.
Workouts on the streets of Nashville. Take a look around at the various fitness levels and how that doesn't stop people from working out! These people are coaches who are on their journey and helping others on theirs. You don't have to be at your ideal weight to be accountable and help others stick to their goals too.
On top of all the videos the team was also able to get close and personal with some of the best trainers such as Tony Horton creator of P90X. This is a BIG deal when you are only use to working out with these trainers on a tv in your basement. We are inspired by these trainers and so many of them have affected our lives and other lives around us (we honestly cannot thank them enough).

On top of all the training and excitement there is team bonding. We bond every single day through the internet but being able to bond in person brings everything to a whole new level. We are hard workers who dream big and don't believe that we are here to just live the "normal" life. We want more and we are all willing to put in the work to be more. It's pretty special to share our personal dreams with one another and know the crazy amount of support we have from one another which moves us forward to achieving our goals.

As soon as tickets were for sale for Summit 2017 I made my purchase because my heart told me that I wanted to be part of this event. New Orleans here I come!

Things to look forward to in the coming months that were announced at Summit:
1. Country Heat launched! Read more about the program here.
2. Country Heat, 22 Minute Hard Corps, 3-Day Refresh, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, CIZE, Club and PiYo are all on sale ($164.00 CDN) for August 2016!
3. Core De Force will be released in November. It's an explosive mixed martial arts-inspired total body workout.
4. 3-week yoga retreat (yoga for beginners) for Beachbody on Demand will be available in September.
5. FIXATE cooking show will launch August 19th on Beachbody on Demand.
6. Health bet from September 5th - August 2nd. Purchase a program, complete the program and split the winnings with everyone else who participated and finished.
7. T25 and Hammer & Chisel are now available on the members library in Beachbody on Demand.
8. The 20's will air on Beachbody on Demand. A reality tv show to find the next best trainer.