Portion Control Eating Plan: Changes to Treats and Beverages
I must say I am pretty excited for the new changes that are happening to the Beachbody portion control eating plan. I never did quite...

Lava Protein Mug Cake
Lava Protein Mug Cake Ingredients: 30 g Chocolate protein powder (I used Beyond Isolate Chocolate Mousse) 1 Egg Directions: Mix protein...

Warm Chocolate Fruit Bowl
Warm Chocolate Fruit Bowl Ingredients: 56 g Cherries 100 g Strawberries, sliced 70 g Blueberries 40 g Banana, sliced 1 ounce cocoa nibs...

3 Ingredient Pancakes
3 Ingredient Pancakes Ingredients: 50 g quick oats, uncooked 3/4 cup egg whites 70 g banana (and/or berry of choice for topping)...

Chocolate PB2 Rice Cake Cookie
Chocolate PB2 Rice Cake Cookie Ingredients: 3 g PB2 2.5 g cocoa powder 1/4 Tbsp unsweetened coconut 14 g banana, sliced 1 Plain rice cake...

6 Weeks Out From Atlantic Classics
EEEEK! I FINALLY decided to give Lush a try...I know, I know - I'm a huge bath freak yet I've never tried any Lush bath bombs. Who am I?...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology Pudding
Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology Pudding Ingredients: 30 g Chocolate Shakeology 12 g PB2 50 g avocado 2 Tbsp sweetener of choice 1/4 -...

April Accountability Group: Be Your Own Fairy Tale
All hero's or heroine's of a fairy tale are faced with and overcome challenges. We are all hero's or heroine's in life (even though you...

7 Weeks Out From Atlantic Classics
Okay, I'm starting to get nervous...more nervous. This last week was 7 weeks until competition and that means I am going into my 6th week...

Shamrockin’ Green Smoothie
Shamrockin’ Green Smoothie Ingredients: 1/2 cup water* 1 cup green grapes 1/2 cup pineapple chunks 1/2 ripe banana 2 cups fresh spinach,...