Fredericton Fall Classic 2016
I ran my first official 10 km in the Fredericton Fall Classic. This is a run that I've wanted to do for a long time - even before I ever started running. I knew this was something my heart wanted to do for a long time.
It's pretty crazy to think that I only started running a little over a year ago. I remember not being able to run for 30 seconds at a time. But I didn't let that stop me. Instead I just kept trying. I'm a strong believer in commitment and effort. If you want something bad enough no excuse will ever stand in your way. I heard this in the past but didn't really believe it...but now I do because of my own experience and journey.

Was I nervous? You bet your sweet booty I was. My stomach was in knots since I got up the morning BEFORE the run. But nerves are a good thing.
The night before the run Jeff and I changed into our pjs and super hero aprons.

We were ready to get our cooking/baking on in the kitchen. Although, we may have forgot to pick up a few ingredients for our original recipes that we intended to make. ;) Only us, I swear!

Maybe next time we will write ALL the ingredients down before we go grocery shopping. Our intent was to make vegan mac n cheese from the Everyday Oh She Glows cookbook but instead we ended up making regular mac n cheese (which was delicious as always). We also planned on making cookies but got side tracked by the hockey game. Maybe next weekend! :)
Every. Sweat. Matters. This motto is a fellow coach's team motto. Her health and fitness journey started the same day she received the news that she had cancer and her team is built on this motto.
The Fredericton Fall Classic took place in Fredericton. I still can't believe my first official 10 km is complete. I was able to run the whole thing without a break which was my goal (59 mins and 57 seconds). I doubted myself at times but managed to convince my mind that I was able to continue running. At about the half way point I made up my mind that my legs would collapse before I would give up. Strangely, I think the last half of the run may have been faster than the first half (except for that last 1 km - what's up with the last little bit? Holy Hell!) But the run wasn't just about my goals. It was more than that.

A lot of people who wish they could sweat can't so I ran for a fellow coach. She recently lost her unborn baby at 28 weeks. I ran for her and thought of her. I cannot even imagine what she is going through but this was my way of telling her that I'm thinking of her.

If you are healthy and able to workout I encourage you to do so. So many people go through difficult times and don't have it in them to sweat. Today, I encourage you to sweat for them. I'm definitely looking forward to Fredericton Fall Classic 2017.