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Country Heat Test Group: Dance the Dust Up

Ladies and gentleman the day is almost here. The official launch of Country Heat is scheduled for July 27, 2016! I still remember going to Super Saturday in Moncton, NB and seeing the promo video (below) just a few months ago (seriously, watch the promo video it's funny).

I remember thinking how great of a cardio workout the program looked to be especially for people who don't necessarily love to workout.

I then also thought about how I'm a country girl (I love living in the country) who hates country music (SHOCKER)...or I should say I don't like old school country music. I blame my mom for listening to it 24/7 when I was younger. I also cannot dance but I do love trying to dance and being taught simple dance moves that when put together actually looks like I am dancing. Now, at 30 years old, I actually work with a bunch of awesome ladies who are country music lovers so over the last couple of years their taste in music has rubbed off on me even if I don't like to admit it (shhh don't tell them, okay?).

I have actually been able to check out every sneek peek of the Country Heat program that was offered on Beachbody on Demand which have been so much fun! I love working out and forgetting that I am working out. Trust me, sometimes my eyes are glued to the clock during my sweat session because I just want it to be over and done with. With Country Heat, I was so concentrated on the moves and having fun that the 30 minutes of my dance workout flew by. Check out my Instagram account to see my Country Heat moves here and here.

With any new program comes lots of questions from people who are interested in it so I've decided to put all the FAQ's about the program into one blog post (for your convenience and mine). Of course, this is a program aimed to get people moving but is also a great program for anyone who is looking for a different workout routine (BTW switching up programs is a great way to see results!). One of the many reasons that I have fallen in love with Beachbody is because of their dedication to get people moving with fun at home workout programs designed to help every day people become fit & healthy. Starting to live a healthier lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated but many times we over complicate it and focus too much on perfection instead of progress. Many of us already know the basics and what needs to be done but the missing piece is usually the accountability (and there is no shame in that. I keep myself accountable to my team every single day). My job, as your coach, is to ensure you do what you set out to do to see the results you want to see.

Country Heat FAQ's

What is Country Heat?

Country Heat is a high-energy, low-impact dance workout that’s super simple and fun. The workouts are only 30-minutes and come with easy-to-follow dance moves coordinated to country music. The program is a 30 day program and can be repeated. This program is NOT line dancing. It's a cardio based dance workout to country music however there is a bonus line dancing DVD since the program was inspired by line dancing.

What makes Country Heat effective?

A lot of times people don't workout because it feels exactly like that - work! Country Heat is a fun program to get fit. There are no complicated moves, no weights and no equipment required. All you need is yourself and don't forget to have fun! Additionally, I preach all the time about how important it is to stay on track with nutrition. The program also includes Autumn's easy to use portion-control container system and eating plan. The nutrition plan is based on portion sizes and balance allowing you to still have the foods you love in moderation. Additionally, if losing weight isn't your goal but you want to still be active the nutrition part of the program will have a category designed for people who want to maintain their current weight. There will also be vegan nutrition guide if that's your eating style.

Who is the trainer for Country Heat?

Autumn Calabrese, creator of 21 Day Fix, is the trainer for this program. Honest to goodness, Autumn's 21 Day Fix program was a game changer for me so I am pumped to complete this program as well. Country Heat is already predicted to be a program that many people will want to try. Autumn has become one of the favourite Beachbody personal trainers and I must admit I have fallen in love her too.

Do people get results from dancing for just 30 minutes a day? I love that before every program is released to the general public Beachbody does a test group to ensure the program actually works. The last thing they would want happen is people to start purchasing the program and then the general public not seeing results once they complete the program. That's another reason why they have been around for as long as they have been around. They have a good reputation with the programs they have released (P90X, 21 Day Fix, Insanity) and I expect Country Heat to be no different. Take a look at some of the results from Beachbody's Country Heat's test group! INCREDIBLE!

Dancing is a fantastic workout (have you seen dancer's bodies? Toned!). The last dance program that I completed was Cize and I remember dripping in sweat after every dance session. Cize was the first workout program that Jeff, my significant other, had fallen in love with. He was just starting his journey so he was looking for something that didn't feel like work. If you have completed Cize don't expect Country Heat to be like Cize because it isn't. The only thing that these two programs have in common is that they are a great dance sweat session but the style is completely different.

What makes Country Heat unique?

There’s no choreography to remember. Honestly, I loved Cize (another Beachbody dance program) but there were several dance moves were strung together and at times were fast paced so sometimes I would lose my place in the workout. I was always able to pick it up quickly but I do know of people who had a hard time following the moves. Country Heat actually has a section that you can learn the moves one by one before the workout begins. It will add approximately 15 minutes to your routine which you can skip but if you struggle with some moves you are able to practice it before or after the workout session. My guess is that this will only need to be used once or twice (if at all) until you catch onto the moves. Country Heat is designed so people of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels can jump right in and begin. You don’t need to know how to dance. People who love Zumba are sure to love this program and people who really don't want to workout because it feels like work are also bound to love this program.

What songs are featured in the Country Heat Workouts?


Title: John Cougar John Deere John 3:16 Original Artist: Keith Urban

Title: Kick the Dust Up Original Artist: Luke Bryan

Title: Young & Crazy Original Artist: Frankie Ballard

Title: We Are Tonight Original Artist: Billy Currington

Title: That's My Kinda Night Original Artist: Luke Bryan

Title: Crash and Burn Original Artist: Thomas Rhett


Title: 5 1 5 0 Original Artist: Dierks Bently

Title: I'm Here for the Party Original Artist: Gretchen Wilson

Title: High Class Original Artist: Eric Paslay

Title: Whiskey Drinking SOB Original Artist: Mikel Knight

Title: Fake ID Original Artist: Big and Rich

Title: Cowboy Up Original Artist: Jill Johnson


Title: Sideways Original Artist: Dierks Bently

Title: Play Something Country Original Artist: Brooks & Dunn

Title: Some Days You Gotta Dance Original Artist: Dixie Chicks

Title: Footloose Original Artist: Blake Shelton Version

Title: John Deere Green Original Artist: Joe Diffie

Title: We Are Tonight Original Artist: Billy Currington


Title: All About Tonight Original Artist: Blake Shelton

Title: Real Life Original Artist: Jake Owen

Title: What Was I Thinking Original Artist: Dierks Bently

Title: Little Bit of You Original Artist: Chase Bryant

Title: Chattahoochie Original Artist: Alan Jackson

Title: I Like It, I Love It Original Artist: Tim Mcgraw


Title: Bar Hoppin Original Artist: Sandra Lyon

Title: Summertime Blues Original Artist: Alan Jackson

Title: Cotton Eyed Joed Original Artist: Rednex

Title: Be My Baby Original Artist: John Michael Montgomery

Title: Born to Boogie Original Artist: Hank Williams

Title: One That Got Away Original Artist: Jake Owen


Title: Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy Original Artist: Big & Rich

Title: Friday Night Original Artist: Eric Paisley

Title: Some Days You Gotta Dance Original Artist: Dixie Chicks

Title: One More Last Chance Original Artist: Vince Gil

Title: A Woman's Rant Original Artist: Jo Dee Messina

Title: Little Bit of You Original Artist: Chase Bryant


Title: One That Got Away Original Artist: Jake Owen

Title: Crash and Burn Original Artist: Thomas Rhett

Title: Settlin Original Artist: Sugarland

Title: Redneck Woman Original Artist: Gretchen Wilson

Title: I Like It, I Love It Original Artist: Tim Mcgraw

Title: That's My Kinda Night Original Artist: Luke Bryan


Title: Hell of a Night Original Artist: Dustin Lynch

Title: Friday Night Original Artist: Eric Paisley

Title: Bar Hoppin Original Artist: Sandra Lyon

Title: Dibs Original Artist: Kelsea Ballerini

Title: Kiss You in the Morning Original Artist: Michael Ray

Title: Move On Original Artist: Clare Dunn


Title: Summertime Blues Original Artist: Alan Jackson

Title: One More Last Chance Original Artist: Vince Gil

Title: Footloose Original Artist: Blake Shelton Version

Title: Chattahoochie Original Artist: Alan Jackson

Title: Born to Boogie Original Artist: Hank Williams


Title: Night Crawl Original Artist: Jo Dee Messina


Title: Cowboy Up Original Artist: Jill Johnson

How much is this going to cost?

Yes, it will cost money. One thing that I like about purchasing a program is that it holds me financially accountable. I don't like to waste my money so when I purchase something I will use it to ensure I get my money's worth out of it. This is no different and I would bet that many of you reading my blog are the same way (like minded people attract like minded people). Like many of Beachbody's nutrition & workout packages (aka a challenge package) the cost will be approximately $186 CDN however it will be on sale for $164 CDN. Honestly, Beachbody has monthly sales and usually that's the best time to make the purchase. That's the time I purchase all the programs I want to use. Once you have the program you can then repeat it as many times as you would like. What does the nutrition & workout package (aka challenge package) of Country Heat include?

Your package will include your workout program (Country Heat) along with your portion control containers for your food and a nutrition guide for meal planning that will also include recipes and a month's supply of Shakeology. The package has been designed to have everything you need in it for your best results.

Interested in trying Country Heat?

I am SUPER excited to be starting a test group on August 1! It's a test group because it will be my first Accountability Group that I run with Country Heat. The first week will consist of a preparation week where I will guide you through everything to prepare for the official start date of August 8. The group will provide you with motivation and will also focus on learning how to make healthier food choices by swapping out some of our favourite comfort foods for healthier versions all while we complete Country Heat together. I would love for you to be part of my test group (don't worry I will be participating too since this will be my first time trying the program as well). For participating and being part of my very first Country Heat group, I will be giving away weekly prizes (yes weekly!) as well as a larger prize for best transformation from the program (which is not necessarily a physical transformation). To save a spot in my Country Heat test Accountability Group fill out the application below or send me a message and request for me to save you a spot. The requirements to participate in this group is to sign me up as your free coach (yes, completely free forever) by filling out your information here. The next step will be to purchase the complete Country Heat program once it launches on July 27, 2016. I will provide a direct link for purchase on launch day. Don't worry about you not receiving your package on time because as soon as you purchase the program it will be shipped to you immediately and your workouts will also be available immediately on your online account. We will then get our booties grooving to the country music and shed some extra pounds & become healthier together!

Update: It's launched! Click here to purchase the program. After your purchase please send me a message so we can proceed. I look forward to helping you succeed with your goals.

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

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New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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