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The Health Of Life

I strongly believe baby steps in the right direction add up to healthy living while baby steps in the wrong direction can also lead to unhealthy living with possible health problems in the future. In our day to day life we don't see the results of our actions. Instead they are only seen after weeks or months of repeating habits (good or bad). It's the small decisions each day that lead us to our health & fitness goals. Below are 25 actions that I believe we can start to implement into our everyday life to begin living a healthier life.

1. Start fresh everyday.

Don't let yesterday's bad decisions/actions affect a new day. The past is the past and learning to focus on the present day is where our energy needs to flow.

2. Add simple exercises into our daily routine. Park further away from our destination and walk the extra distance. Using an app to track our steps with a step goal for each day will encourage us to take the extra steps and burn some extra calories.

3. "Meatless Monday".

There are so many of us who are meat and potato fans but there are so many other food options available to us. Replacing meat with eggs, tofu, beans, lentils, nuts might surprise you!

4. Drink water.

The general rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 our weight in ounces. For example, if a person weighs 140 lbs they should aim at drinking 70 ounces of water in a day.

5. Reduce the amount of processed foods.

Limiting our intake of packaged foods and increasing our intake of whole foods is essential. Instead of buying pre-packaged pizza making a homemade pizza on flatout or pita bread is a healthier option.

6. Begin to read labels.

Ingredients are listed in order of weight, beginning with the ingredient that weighs the most and ending with the ingredient that weighs the least. If you want to learn more about how to read a label click here.

7. Disconnect from social media.

Social media is great but can be overwhelming and it can affect us especially if we are on Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest right before bed. Try disconnecting an hour before bed time and limiting yourself during the day.

8. Stop beating ourselves up.

Everyone has their "bad" days but that doesn't mean we have to dwell on that cake or bag of chips that we ate. If we enjoyed it that's all that matters. If we didn't enjoy it and had immediate regret we need to start digging deeper into why we ate it in the first place. Many times we "eat our emotions" instead of dealing with the problem we are facing.

9. Cut out smoking/limit our alcohol intake. It might not be easy but our body will thank us when we limit our amount of smoking/alcohol. These can be very addictive habits that are hard to break. 10. Don't mindlessly snack.

Have you ever started eating something and have no idea why you are eating it? Many times we eat out of boredome so finding hobbies to keep us busy during those times are needed.

11. 80/20 rule.

Eat well 80% of the time but still allow room for planned treats. I suggest having 1 cheat meal a week. Plan the cheat meal and don't over do it.

12. Get plenty of sleep.

If we are tired we might think we are hungry but really we might just be tired. Ensuring we have a good nights rest will benefit our mind and body.

13. Make ourselves a priority.

How many times do we have to put ourselves last before we realize that we need to put ourselves first in order to build healthy happy relationships around us? We often think that we are being nice by putting everyone else in front of us but this will affect our relationships around us. Be strong enough to make yourself a priority.

14. Cook.

It doesn't have to be complicated but start cooking some simple dishes. Keep it simple and the library of favourite recipes will grow quickly.

15. Set goals for ourselves.

By setting goals with a date in which we want to accomplish those goals will make us want to work towards that goal every day to try and accomplish it. Many times we set ourselves a goal but forget to give it a timeline.

16. Listen to our bodies.

Learn to know real hunger vs pretend hunger - this can be tough but once we start recognizing the signs of our own body we will begin to listen to it more. Intuitive eating can be hard to master but making the effort will lead us down the right path.

17. Grocery shop on a full stomach.

Never ever grocery shop on an empty stomach. It's a recipe for a disaster. Grab something to eat before heading out the door otherwise temptations will most likely make it into our cart and into our home.

18. Create a meal plan.

Have an idea of meals for the upcoming week. Preparing some (or all) of the meals also make it more convenient. Everyone is different and what might work for one may not work for another. BUT I guarantee that having an idea of what meals to cook and eat will help.

19. Begin to focus on the events we attend rather than the food/drinks at the event.

In the past, my main concern about attending an event was if I needed to bring food and what kind of food would be at the event. It is ridiculous that every event seems to center around food. Start focusing on the event itself rather than the food to minimize overeating at the event.

20. Think positively.

Our minds our the exact thing in our way from achieving whatever we set out to achieve. Doubt is something that holds so many of us back from our passion. Begin to think about being successful instead of fearing that you will fail. How many times have we started to try and eat well (and exercise) only to stop a few weeks into it because doubt crept in. Stop doubting ourselves and begin to believe that you are able to accomplish whatever goal you set for yourself.

21. Love ourselves.

The videos online about women (and men) hating their bodies is incredible. Many of us do not have one nice thing to say about our bodies. Our bodies (each and every one of them) is incredible. Think about what they do for us every day and what they can do for us if we take good care of the one we were given. Reminding ourselves of the things we like about our bodies (however big or small) will help shift our minds from hating our bodies to loving them.

22. Limit our amount of salt.

We still need salt but some of us are over doing it (especially if processed foods are a main part of our nutrition).

23. Try new foods.

Expanding our taste buds to healthier food choices will help keep us motivated. I have found so many things I love because I was willing to try it out. Try it a few times before making a final decision.

24. Limit the amount of deep fried foods/fast food restaurants.

Some of us eat out every single day and the choices we make are not always the best. Start packing a lunch instead of eating out every day. The money that will be saved can be put away to purchase the healthier grocery options.

25. Limit the extras added to our coffee.

Yes, I said it! We shouldn't have to rely on coffee for getting us through the whole day (a wake up coffee should do the trick). Limiting the amount of extras in the coffee should be a goal to work towards.

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

Contact Info:
New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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