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May My Thirties Be Extra Dirty

Monday, July 11th, 2016, I turned 30. I have to say that as the years pass by I don't look forward to birthdays as much as I did before. Even though I feel the best I have ever felt there is something about the number that reminds me I am still continually aging and it's inevitable that I will continue to grow older. The weeks leading up the the big day I wasn't myself because it was bothering me that I would be 30. Where did all those years go? I continually reminded myself that for over half of those years I was living at home with the parents. I wish I could tell you that I was summer saluting and excited for my birthday but I wasn't. There is always so much pressure on these big birthdays. You are expected to be at a certain point in your life by a certain age. It's like the unwritten Birthday rules. Then again, that's other people's expectations for your life so who freakin' cares?

The morning of my birthday I got up and went through my usual routine to get ready for work. It was in that routine that I remembered my past self. My past self had made the decision 5 years ago to start living a healthier lifestyle and that meant I had to make sacrifices. I remember making the decision and telling myself that by the time I turned 30 I wanted to feel great about myself. I think I can say mission accomplished! That brought a smile to my face because it reminded me that I could have been on a different path in my life if I wouldn't have made the choice when I did. From the bottom of my heart I believe that if I would have continued eating like I had been that I would have turned 30 with a bag full of pills or worse. It reminded me of how far I have come and where I am headed. I might not drop all my weight quickly like others but that's because I have made this my lifestyle and who I am. I have changed my habits and re-wired my brain in the thought process of my health and that doesn't happen over night. It means that I don't have an end game and that I will always eat right and workout for the rest of my life without depriving myself. So, of course Jeff and I worked out on my birthday!

The work day was typical and when I got home I was able to finally relaxing in my hammock that Jeff bought me (EEEEK! I love the hammock). I had been wanting a hammock for a while now. Jeff had asked me to pick one out for my birthday so he set it up while I was working. It was all that I ever expected and more. Jeff also surprised me with a Chocolate Protein Birthday Cake that he made. The recipe is so easy and it turned out perfect. Jeff is a complete sweetheart when it comes to making me food on special occasions. He always wants to make something different (and healthy). I guess he definitely knows the way to this foodie's heart!

Chocolate Protein Birthday Cake

Ingredients: 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt 1 scoop chocolate Recover powder 1/8 cup coconut flour Directions: Mix together and press into small bowl. Enjoy immediately or place in fridge to eat later!

Since turning 30 was affecting me, it was a perfect time for some retail therapy - sports bra, bikini, running shoes (that Jeff actually purchased for me) and a weight bench. And that's when I started to feel better! I use to hate shopping but I realized it's because I hated how I looked in anything and everything. Since I didn't like my body and what I saw back in the mirror I never wanted to go shopping. Now, I can't get enough of it (which is trouble for my bank account). The feeling of being able to actually finding outfits you like and being able to fit into the things is a wonderful feeling. I still hate how clothes sizes are made. It confuses the hell out of my how I can range anywhere between a size 2 and a size 6 and maybe even a size 8. I don't think I will ever understand it and I don't care to understand it. I just purchase whatever fits and don't worry about the size because I know how screwed up sizes can be. After the shopping spree I enjoyed some homemade pasta which completely fit into my meal plan. I had just came back from Halifax from Mud Hero (read more here) and was completely satisfied with the treats I ate there. I am a big pasta lover anyway so being able to stay on track and have one of my favourite foods worked out perfectly. I also was able to read all the love that everyone sent me on Facebook, FB messenger, emails, text messages which warmed my heart to know that so many of you were thinking of me on my birthday.

The remaining of the night we spent in the hammock. We had left the screen door to the patio closed but Zoey cried so much because she wanted to be outside with us so of course we brought her outside. We didn't know what to expect but she was really good and actually wanted to cuddle with us most likely because she was fearful of outside since she isn't an outside cat but I didn't care the exact reason I just cared that she was willing to cuddle with me.

I was also showered with gifts from friends and family (some are pictures below). The gifts were a perfect fit for me! I guess they really do know a little bit about me. I also received some tea and other fitness accessories. ;)

It's been a little less than a month that I've turned the big 3-0 and I must say now that I have come to terms with being 30 it's not so bad. The problem was me resisting it and not wanting to turn 30 when maybe I should have just embraced it instead. Thankfully, I have 10 years before my next birthday freak out. But until then I am determined to live my life the way I want to live my life. Life begins outside of my comfort zone!

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