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All Animals Just Want To Be Loved

Ever feel like you connect with animals more than humans?

I always remember feeling that way. I grew up in a home that loved every animal and that love was passed down to me.

We lived in the country and I mean country. My backyard was woods upon woods with trails and camps. And those woods were filled with animals. I would go down to the brook and catch toads. We had bird feeders set up in our back yard and squirrels and chipmunks would try and steal the bird's food. If you would sit still for long enough many times the birds would sit on top of your head or arm. We had owls that made their homes in the trees. In the spring, we would find tons of nests with eggs in it ready to be hatched (which we always left alone). Deer and raccoons have been seen in our yard to steal our home grown food (we were okay to share as long as they left some for us too). And of course, the stinky skunks always made an appearance and would spray our dogs or cats from time to time.

Inside the house, we always had dogs and cats. If it would have been up to my nanny we would have brought every dog and cat into our home to give them a good home for the rest of their lives. Fur was part of my home but it was worth seeing the animals happy and living a good life. The joke in the house when I was younger was that I would have to sit on the floor if the dog/cat stole my seat from the couch. Of course, we always found a way to share. :)

Animals have done a lot for me in my life and have been a huge part of who I am now. Cat/dog cuddles are the best, right? No matter how rough my day is or how terrible I feel it seems that animals always give me a warm feeling inside and melt my heart just a little bit. They always bring a smile to my face and make my day a little brighter.

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