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Sud Muffins At Foam Fest 2016

Our Sud Muffin team for Foam Fest 2016 in Moncton, NB had a blast, as expected. The 5km obstacle run was filled with foam along with some muddy waters (kinda like big mud puddles unlike Mud Hero's thick black mud).

Again, like many of these obstacle courses, the obstacles were fun and usually not that difficult. There is also always an option to skip the obstacle if you are not comfortable with them. And if you ever get tired of running from obstacle to obstacle you can always walk. Honestlt, there really wasn't much running on this course. There were a ton of obstacles (I believe 22) in only 5 km plus many times there would be line ups at these obstacles (a great time to catch our breath).

We decided to go down early Saturday morning instead of spending the night in Moncton. It's only about a 2 hr drive from Fredericton and our run time was only at 10:45 which actually didn't end up mattering at all because once we were there we realized we could run whenever we pleased.

Once we arrived in Moncton, we met up with our team mates, Al and Amanda. Again, thanks to Amanda she was able to get some pictures of us after the event (shown below). Amanda had stayed with one of her friend's the night before who lived very close to the event so we parked at her friend's place and walked to the event (which made everything super easy and convenient. Plus that meant we didn't have to pay for parking).

Once at the event, we checked our bags. There was apparently a minimum donation required of $5.00 but on the email it just said 'donations'. We had only brought $2.00 with us and they accepted it without any fuss (thank goodness).

Once our bags were checked and we had our bib number we were able to start our run (even if it wasn't our original run time) which was perfect for us since we were earlier than expected. Waiting around would have just made me more anxious for the course.

The obstacle that was most fearful for me was this huge a$$ slide called the drop of death. It was terrifying and we waited in that line up probably for a good 20 minutes. I did it though. I didn't think twice about it. Once I was up there I just wanted to get down as soon as possible. It was thrilling. It was just enough fear to make it exciting. But was also not something that I would want to do over and over again. I'm proud of myself for getting down it one time. Jeff is terrified of heights so he did skip this obstacle but he did some of the other obstacles involving heights and completed them which I was super proud of him because I know how fearful he is once his feet are no longer on the ground.

Once at the finish line we got our medals and a towel which was pretty neat. Many times during these runs we get t-shirts so a towel was something different (and they were neon coloured towels so they will make great beach towels).

After the run, we decided to hang around Moncton. We went to the farmers market where we found homemade donuts (apple pie and salted caramel). I thought my favourite would be salted caramel but it turned out to be apple pie (it was Jeff's fav as well).

I was also able to see an old friend from high school that I haven't seen in years, Cynthia. Honest to goodness, it was like we hadn't missed anything. I love having good friends that never change. She recommended that we eat at a restaurant called "The Igloo" so we did. It was delicious. I had BBQ chicken nachos and Jeff had a breaded chicken burger and fries. We were both very pleased with our meals.

After our late lunch, we did some shopping but didn't find much. I ended up with 2 new pair of workout capris (surprise, surprise). We also made a trip to Supplement King where I found two new fav products - 'About Time Maple Pancakes' that are high protein pancakes and 'Nuts 'n More Toffee Crunch' which is peanut butter with added protein and a toffee crunch flavour.

The whole day was a success. These events are fun and are not to be taken too seriously. It's a way to get people active and that's exactly what they do. If you are interested in joining us in some of these fun runs send me a message and we would love to have you on our team. I will be running solo in the Fredericton Fall Classic (just under 2 weeks away) but will be putting together a team (or two) for the Santa Shuffle that will be later this year. I would love for you to participate with us.

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