More Than I Expected
This past Sunday I presented on a team call. I was asked to talk on the team call earlier this week but it's really just sinking in now. I kept thinking "me" followed by "really". But then I realized...yes me and yes really! I have a lot to give and a lot of experience to tell others. I have a lot of information and a story to tell. My words are just as valuable as others and tonight I was proud and happy to share my words with the team.

Sometimes it's pretty crazy to sit down and think about how far I've come in less than a year. That's what I did this past week. I thought about who I was before coaching and who I am now. It's actually pretty incredible how this coaching opportunity has changed me for the better and was the answers to so many of my deepest secrets/problems. I initially started coaching to help others get fit and healthy but it has ended up helping me more than I ever imagined or even thought possible. I now... *believe in myself. *aware of people around me who need help (and aware of my surroundings in general). *am stronger (physically and mentally). *have a positive mindset. *live healthy without feeling deprived. *do not take anything for granted (especially my health). *have stronger relationships with the people I love (especially with Jeff). *take action when I say I am going to do things (and do things I was always too scared to do in the past). *have a passion and surround myself with others who have the same passion. These ladies are the girlfriends I never realized I needed in my life. *know a heck of a lot more about technology (even though I still ask Jeff 100 questions a day). *have confidence. Coaching has given me more than I ever expected. I'm sure I could go on. If any of you have been following me since the beginning I am sure you see these changes in me as well. Less than a year ago I reached out to my coach wanting to be part of her team (That's right! She didn't ask me. I told her I wanted change and that I wanted to coach). I was tired of the same old routine and I wanted more from my life and I saw what she could offer me. I knew she wouldn't turn her back on me. It was an instant connection that I felt with a complete stranger. I had been lost, lonely, misunderstood and wasting my life away. In less than a year, all that has changed and all because I was initially trying to help others in their health & fitness journey (which I now realize is so much more than just exercising and eating well).