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Thanksgiving 2016

We packed the car and headed back home to Campbellton, NB for Thanksgiving weekend. The weekend was spent with family time so I wasn't on social media as often as usual which was actually nice to disconnect for a couple of days.

We arrived late Friday night and played cards (a family tradition) which meant Saturday morning we slept in. Once we got up I made the family a BIG breakfast and we were off for the day. We took my nanny out for a drive and got her some fresh fruits and veggies along with some delicious homemade jams.

Saturday night I made two different types of cookies (the recipes can be found here and here). Both batches were vegan and in my opinion delicious! These somehow were saved for Thanksgiving supper on Sunday.

As usual my mom made a fantastic supper and it was followed with plenty of dessert. That evening we watched the baseball game. I have never been a huge fan of baseball but I learned a lot during the game and somehow think I became a baseball fan and more specifically a Jays fan during that game. No better time to hop on the bandwagon than now, right?

This pumpkin landed on our doorstep before we left to come home. It's our first Thanksgiving with the house and the team from EXIT (realtor team that we had when we bought the house) dropped it off. They were THE BEST when we bought the house and they are still thinking of us (a win in my books). We didn't spend our Thanksgiving in our home though. Instead we spent it back home with family. <3

This Thanksgiving I was thinking back on last Thanksgiving and how excited and happy I was when I came home (or I should say extra excited and happy). I was a couple of months into the 21 day fix (which is an at home workout program) and loved it.

I was telling everyone about it and it was this time last year that I started thinking I should coach because it was so easy for me to talk to others about how much I love the program and what it was doing (and did) for me.

I had (and still have) the desire and passion to want to help others begin living a healthy lifestyle. All signs had pointed to 'yes' for me to start helping others but I was nervous and worried (about everything and anything...) to officially become a coach so I didn't do it right away.

Time passes so quickly. There's always excuses and there's never a perfect time for anything (something I learned in the last year). If you have the desire to do something then go do it. :)

Be thankful for what you have and what you can do (and then go do it).

Vacations are nice. Holidays are nice. But I was pretty happy to get back to my regular routine today.

This weekend was a lot of extra food and extra sweets. Going back home can be really hard for me to stay on track. I come from the family that's focused on food (that's how I grew up and nothing has changed).

And from someone who has come a long way with my emotional binge eating it can be a hard environment to be in. But it is my family and it's me who has to work on staying on track a bit more when I'm home not them. I've come A LONG way in the last few years and I am only going to continue to improve in the years to come.

I regret nothing. I enjoyed myself but today was back to the grind for me because I won't let a few treats get in the way of my lifestyle. The key is to stop saying 'tomorrow' and start saying 'today' because tomorrow may never come.

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