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Run The River 2016

Well, it was a cold November morning but the sun was shining and I was ready to complete yet another 5 km run but this time it involved running "rolling hills". Firstly, hills are not my thing. I don't even want to walk them forget about running them BUT I also like to "up my game" because I know the only way to improve is to challenge myself...even if that means I might fail.

Jeff drove me to the small town of Nackawic to support and watch me run. He is my main support system. There's no better feeling than knowing that there is someone to support you with whatever crazy adventure you choose to do. <3 He's always been there for me and I thank him every single time he shows his support for me.

Once we arrived in Nackawic I picked up my bib and immediately found Shanna (a friend from high school). She was the one who originally signed up for this run and I had decided to join her...well, because it looked fun!

We had an hour before the official start time and we were able to sit and relax in the warming rooms. It seemed like that waiting time took forever...we were both very anxious to start.

At the starting line, there were quite a few people and even a dog in a carrier that was doing the run as well. He seemed to be very well trained and enjoyed being in his pack. Once the race started, I wished I would have warmed up. There was a warm up offered but both Shanna and I opted for warmth inside at the warming stations. My hips were tight but I pushed through and within about 5 - 10 minutes my hips finally warmed up. I guess age might be getting to me...although I like to think it was just the cold weather. ;)

I didn't know what to expect with "rolling hills" but as you might guess it's exactly that. Up and down and then up and down...there were a few flat surfaces too (thank goodness!). I loved the variety of people who were running...from young to older and from super athletic to beginner. The excuses of "I'm not fit enough to participate" really doesn't hold true. There is no rule saying you have to run the whole course. People do take breaks and walk and that's OKAY! It's amazing that all 333 people participated and FINISHED. What an accomplishment for everyone. I surprisingly set a personal best for a 5 km run at 29 mins and 22 seconds. After the run, there were bananas, oranges and even bagels. I chose the banana as my snack.

Once everyone finished the run, a random draw for prizes took place. I ended up winning some leggings and Shanna won a bag of popcorn which is one of her favourite snacks! There were also free massages but neither of us felt like a massage after the run.

The running route was beautiful and the organizers and other participants were amazing as usual. I can only imagine the amount of work that it takes to be able to run these events. This one was another successful run that I plan on doing again in 2017!

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