Play On
I've been wanting to get involved in some kind of team sport for years. I was very involved in them when I was younger but as I made my way through university and got older it was less and less of an importance to me to find the time and make it a priority to get out and play on a sports team.

This fall I finally said enough was enough and started playing ball hockey. A sport that I never really played except for a few games when I was very young (13/14 years old). I remember I use to enjoy playing even though I wasn't very good so I figured I may as well try and play and get some experience - I'm only going to be able to improve if I actually TRY.
I am LOVING it so far. I am a couple of months in and I look forward to playing every Wednesday night. And I am improving each week. I've also realized my cardio is sh*t! But Wednesday nights are by far my best cardio workout of the whole week which is great because it doesn't feel like a cardio workout session.
I'm a pretty tough cookie so I've been able to block a ton of shots (OH you should see some of the bruises) and continue play as well as get a bit rough in the corners. I'm pretty happy with the group of guys I play with since there are a few other ladies who play as well they are use to playing with women and aren't scared to actually play with us. In the past, I've played on co-ed teams where a lot of the guys would take it a bit too easy on the ladies and I was never able to grow and learn in the sport.

This year I have dedicated myself to the fun league on Wednesdays but am seriously thinking of joining the competitive league next winter. I guess we will have to see how this season goes and how I feel at the end of this season.