12 Days Of Christmas
Every year I try new things and end up falling in love with many of those things I try. This year is no different...in fact, I've tried more things this year than any other year.

Here is a list of my top 12 favourite things from 2016 that I would recommend to others. 1. Happy Planner. A great planner that comes in different designs and sizes for a decent price (when you can get them on sale). The planner world is an amazing world giving me tons of ideas for layouts every month and week. Shout out to @thesassyclub who shows how easy, fun and cheap planning can really be.
2. Body Beast. If you love lifting weights this is a fantastic at home workout program. Of course, you will need to purchase weights to build towards your own at home gym but the investment is worth it.
3. Shakeology. The shake that curbs my sweet tooth and keeps me feeling full for hours. My absolute favourite flavour is chocolate with cafe latte being a close second.
4. Bath Bombs from The Bath Boutique. If you love bath bombs these ones are fun! The colour of the water will even change as the bath bomb reacts with the bath water. You can even get some for kids that have toys in them.
5. Burts Bees Acne Solutions Scrub. I struggle with getting into a face cleansing schedule mainly because a lot of products seem to give me acne or bring acne out (if that makes any sense). This scrub has worked well with my skin though and is something I use quickly in the shower.
6. Sweet Legs Leggings. SO FREAKIN' SOFT and they are not see through. Enough said.
7. Contigo water bottles. These bottles always make my favourite list. I absolutely love them. I carry my bottle everywhere and drop it a lot yet it never breaks. That's a huge plus for someone like me.
8. DAVIDsTEA pom cider. This was probably my absolute favourite tea that came out this year from the company. It's delicious hot AND cold.
9. Tupperware Lunch-It containers. Firstly, I absolutely love Tupperware but especially the Lunch-It containers since they container 3 sections. It's great for my lunches that I prepare on Sundays.
10. Batman earrings. Need I say more? Every girl who needs a pair of batman earrings.
11. Mud Hero. A scary running obstacle event that I absolutely fell in love with. This running event was my absolute favourite that I did this year.
12. Sushi Go card game. I just tried this game and love it. It's quick, easy and fun. I like games that I don't have to think a lot and that don't take forever to play! This is perfect if you have a mind like mind...squirrel.