14 Weeks Out From Atlantic Classics
Holy smokes! Another week down - 3 weeks in total...just another 13 weeks to go (it's also a great countdown to spring). I have done everything to the best of my ability again this week - no side tracks just hard freaking work.

Nothing changed this week with my food - I added in some tuna (replacing salmon) and ground turkey (replacing chicken). It was also my first time I had brussel sprouts - I had them boiled/steamed and found them okay...people have mentioned to me that I should bake them in the oven to crisp them up so I will definitely try that. I had some amazing egg whites and green pepper for my evening snack this week. The green peppers were so crisp and so amazing. I added just a touch of salt to them to give them some extra flavour (seriously AMAZING). I also didn't eat as much sugar free ketchup this week...in fact, hardly any. Instead I used spices in my meals which seemed to work well.

I did get news at the end of the week that I MAY not be having my regular treat meal. Am I a bit disappointed? Of course because it's something that was helping me through my week but I also trust my coach (that's why I have a coach so obviously I am going to listen to her). Those treats will be there for me next time...but I'm secretly still hoping for it. One thing that I have promised myself is that I will only weight myself the day of my 'check in' with my coach because the scale can play with my mind so much. If I gain weight I wanna eat but if I lose weight I want to eat as well....so nothing good comes out of it. But after I was told that my treat meal will depend on my progress I wanted to just go and weight myself but I didn't - the temptation was there though.
It also means that my meal plans look like they will be switched up a week earlier than expected so my meal prep is happening on the weekend instead of Friday...I am pretty excited to get a new plan. I have requested to keep my oatmeal breakfast and my shake because I love them and asked if I could have some cheese and/or sandwich/wraps. I'm hoping for at least 1 of those options.
Something else happened this week...I started comparing myself to other bikini competitors and I started thinking - do I even belong? Thank goodness I realized what was happening and quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head. I'm on my own journey and cannot compare myself with other people (especially people who have been competing for years). I am always telling people to not compare themselves but the truth is that it's hard not to do it BUT you can push those thoughts out of your head and replace them with other thoughts. Damn straight I belong on stage. If others can do it so can I!

So, this last weeks workouts were the same BUT the sets of everything increased by 1...so I was doing 4 sets instead of 3 (plus Aunt Flo was visiting - it sucks working out during that time of the month). It wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I think 5 sets would drive me crazy though so I hope it doesn't ever come to that. My abs need some serious work. I struggle so much...my planks are even modified. I cannot hold a 1 minute plank without some modification but that's okay because I'm still shaking like a leaf. I still have plenty of time for them to 'pop' which I am kinda excited to see them (assuming they show up).

The biggest part of this week was booking my make up and spray tanning appointment for the day of the show (still need to book a hair appointment). EEEK! PLUS, finding shoes to fit my wide foot. I just happen to know a girl I met online who was selling hers and they fit!!!! Yes, they feel a bit snug and odd BUT over the next couple of months they will mold to my foot (it's part of the process). The shoes I was looking at online were upwards to $100 but I got these ones for $15! YAY! Thank goodness for my coach who helped me through this process...without her I would have had no idea where to even start. So, why the heck do bikini competitors need to wear these stripper heels? Seriously, I asked the question because really is it necessary? Well, they elongate the legs (yay - great news for short people like myself) and make the calves 'pop' on stage which is something the judges will be looking at...my coach said she figured they need to be clear so they are not distracting. I'm also in touch with the girl who will be custom making my suit for competition. I'm so excited about it and how it's coming together but am not ready to tell you all about it just yet.
And finally, what many of you enjoy - my progress update. This week I have lost 1.3 lbs for a total of 3.4 lbs (Start: 127.3 lbs, Now: 123.9 lbs). The biggest difference I am seeing is my upper back area which I am pretty happy about. I am still feeling AMAZING. I cannot tell you how awesome I feel. I like the feeling of being in complete control and the discipline I am forming. I use to emotional binge eat and it's hard to stop (in fact, I still struggle with it at times) but this gives me a lot of control over what I eat and in turn control over my life. I feel like I am in the driver's seat of my own life. This stuff isn't for everyone and maybe in the weeks to come I will hate it but right now I am loving it and enjoying this process more than I ever thought I would. 3 weeks down and 13 more to go...wish me luck this week! :)