12 Weeks Out From Atlantic Classics
What a week! As I mentioned last post I gained weight in my last weigh in so my coach has asked me to check in again on Wednesday (instead of our usual Saturday) and I was up another 0.2 lbs. We came to the conclusion that my digestive system may not be working 100% so I picked up some digestive enzymes and tea (along with increasing my water from 2 - 3 L to 3 - 4 L which hasn't been an issue...I find drinking the water is pretty easy but that's from creating that healthy habit over all these years). So, instead of getting all bent out of shape about it I just pushed forward and continued to stick to my meal plan and my workout plan 100%.

My meal plan this week was very similar to my meal plan last week...a few changes in vegetables but that's about it. I can honestly say I am loving all 6 of my meals. My coach also found these low carb healthy cake snacks in Newfoundland (where she lives) so I went on the hunt for them in Fredericton. As far as I know, they are not sold around here so Jeff ordered me some for Valentine's Day (instead of the usual chocolate). I checked with her before purchasing them and she said she would make them fit into my meal plan - seriously, this girl is awesome for satisfying my needs. It's not just rice and fish or rice and chicken. She works with me to make this process as easy as it can be (seriously, I've been having pizza for supper every night...and no that's not a treat that's actually what my plan has in it)! On top of that, I made some awesome low carb cinnamon cookies that also fit my meal plan. The recipe can be found here. I also made it through the Super Bowl. Jeff ate pizza but I stuck to my plan. I think Lady Gaga's performance was a way better experience than the food anyway. She killed it yet some people still complained about it. It goes to show that no matter what you do not everyone will like it - and who cares, really? We have to stop seeking other people's approval...especially from social media.
Workouts were all new this week which was so exciting for me. My cardio increased by 10 minutes each day (yeah, that means 50 minute cardio sessions - and those extra 10 minutes felt waaaay longer than 10 minutes). I also began my shoulder development phase. The workouts consisted of glutes/hamstrings, chest/shoulders, quads/glutes, back/arms and abs/shoulders.

Last weekend I also went to a friend's birthday party. I always told myself that I would continue to be social during my prep and not let food control my life. There was a TON of food at the party - mainly cheese based (my fav) but I stuck with my water the whole night. I admit I didn't stay too long since I needed to get back home to get a good nights sleep but I was still able to get out for a few hours and socialize. That afternoon I also went to the play Beauty and the Beast...and all I can say is WOW! It was so good. I absolutely love plays over movies and really hope they continue to create Disney plays in the Fredericton area. It was worth every penny.
Tuesday night I tried out some 5 on 5 ball hockey which I ended up liking a lot more than I ever thought I would because let's face it 5 on 5 with a lot more space was a scary thought for me.

One habit I have started to develop is to take nice relaxing baths especially when I start craving or thinking of food. It helps get my mind off things. So, I will need to continue to replenish my supply of bath bombs.
And then Saturday came which is my official day for progress pics and weigh in. My pics are below as usual. My weight was 124.5 lbs which is still a bit up compared to my lowest weight in but still down overall from when I started (127. 3 lbs). It's a bit strange and I just try and not let it get to me. Treat/reward meals are now bi-weekly if that...so I may potentially have a treat/reward meal next weekend. I'm off to crush another week. #11weeksout