10 Weeks Out From Atlantic Classics
Well another week has come and gone - I am starting to feel like all my days are so similar and maybe that's because I feel so focused. In fact, this last week 2 people at the gym approached me and told me they see how focused I am while working out (and also said how they see physical changes in me - finally others are starting to see it). I took that as a compliment - I am taking this seriously. Like I have said in the past, I want to walk on that stage April 29th and have absolutely zero regrets. There is no way I want to be thinking "hell, I could have done more". Speaking of the gym, my sets have all increased by 1 so I did 4 instead of 3 this last week which always seems like "ugh this is going to take so much longer" but after I do it I think "that wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be". My HIITs also went from 2 times a week to 3 times a week which I actually liked (surprisingly - I don't find it as boring). The other cool thing that I've been noticing is that my resting heart rate beats per minute is in the 50's which is actually considered an athletic heart. In the past, my resting heart rate beats per minute were in the high 90's. My health is always #1 and I love that changes are happening internally in my body over the last 5.5 years. It proves that you can change your life around.

Food was on point again this week. I absolutely love the meal plan I am on right now. Last Saturday I was given the green light to have a treat meal but I had to keep it pretty healthy still so it was a no brainer to me - SUSHI (one of my fav meals ever). I also went to DAVIDsTEA to pick up some raspberry cream pie tea for after the show. I've never had it but want to try it so bad! During my travels, I also found some dark chocolate almond bark with SEA SALT. I never tried it before but decided to pick it up and try it after the show (Facebook friends have told me it's pretty amazing so I am happy I picked it up).
So, even though my weight was down last check in I was asked to weigh in again Wednesday and I was actually down to 123.4 lbs. I was actually happy to see that number starting to go down (finally)...then again, goodness knows if it will go back up. Have I mentioned how much I can't stand that scale? HAHA! But here's the kicker - my meal plan and gym routine are changing a week early. I'm adapting to them quickly so we have to keep switching things up to continue to see progress which kinda makes me excited because I like to change things up - I may feel differently by next week depending what gets changed.

I actually skipped ball hockey on Tuesday evening. Jeff couldn't make it so I decided to skip it too. But I went out on Wednesday. Before playing, I actually stopped in at the YMCA for a free massage. Every year, the local students come to the YMCA to practice their technique on members...and I have no problem being their guinea pig. It was nice especially since I had Thursday and Friday as rest days. Each week that passes I appreciate those rest days more and more.
Oh! And big news. I officially registered for the Atlantic Classics - it's the real deal now. I did the early registration so I can get entered in a draw to win some prizes. I'm a sucker for prizes.

And now the progress pictures (shown below). The progress pictures from now on will be done based on my poses each week. The last time I had posing pictures was at 11 weeks out (2 weeks ago). I am super pleased with the progress I have seen in 2 weeks! My weigh in was really good too (123.2 lbs which is down again from my starting weight of 127.3 lbs). But my weight fluctuates soooo much that I really have decided to not focus as much on it. Instead I just stick to the plan and look at the pictures. And now it's time for me to have another awesome week!