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Beachbody Mentoring Opportunity: Pay It Forward

It's no secret that I like to set goals and accomplish the goals I set (even if I don't succeed at them right away). I surround myself with positive like minded people who love staying active and healthy or people who have made the decision that they were sick and tired of living the life they were living and are doing something about it to change it. Many times, these people end up loving the new lifestyle and I almost always end up making a new friend in the process by helping them achieve their goals.

I've been a Beachbody mentor for over a year now. I decided I wanted to help other be the best versions of themselves because I know how it feels to be on the other side (the dark side as I like to call it) but break through and be able to live this incredible life that I never thought was possible. I did it by changing the way I was living my day to day life. I cannot tell you how it was the absolute best decision ever.

I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing Beachbody team - the fit with these ladies couldn't have been any better for me. We have integrity. We do Beachbody mentoring right. We are trained right and we lead with our heart - every last ounce of it. We care about people and we help people live a healthier and happier life and we all love this life we have created for ourselves. The people on the team have all types of different backgrounds - nurses, counselors, fitness instructors, doctors, lawyers, stay at home moms, business women coming from all areas of business. We are all busy women who still find the time to pay it forward and help others on their journey. Side note: Before I decided to do a bikini competition I was placed in a Facebook group with other bikini competitors and fitness instructors/personal trainers to get an idea of what it takes to compete (which I cannot even begin to tell you how much it helped me). It's just another BIG bonus of being a mentor, being part of an amazing team and being part of a top team in the Beachbody world.

So, you might be thinking "why in the heck would those professions ever want to be part of Beachbody? They have great careers" and that's true but we were all missing something in our lives. We all wanted something to be a bit more passionate about and something that fuels us...rather than just going to work and paying bills. What kind of life is that? We all wanted to be giving back. Some of the mentors needed the accountability for themselves to gain control over their lives (legit - if you want results become a mentor and if you take it seriously you will see your results that you've been looking for all this time - I'm proof). Some of these women wanted more for themselves and family from a financial standpoint (yes you can make money and you can make quite a bit of money with dedication and hard work). The reasons why people choose to mentor is different for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that - just like everyone has a different fitness goal. We respect each other's mentoring goals just like we respect others fitness goals.

I went into Beachbody mentoring because I wanted to pay it forward by helping others and I loved the products (because something was FINALLY working for me). Loving the products is an absolute must. If you don't like the products how in the heck could you ever recommend them to someone else? Come on! I'm the girl who loves to talk about products and things I love so this was so natural for me - in fact, I was doing it before I had official decided to mentor. What I ended up getting from mentoring was so much more (and I continue to get more than I ever imagined) - accountability, confidence (yeah, I guarantee I wouldn't be stepping on stage this April if it wasn't for the confidence I built up by being a Beachbody mentor), friendships, support, guidance (and training's like no other), education and eye openers into a whole new world of nutrition and workouts.

So, here's the deal. If some of this speaks to you and you think "gosh I wish I could do what you're doing Steph" or "I really want to do what you're doing but I just don't feel like I have the healthy living down yet" (psst - that doesn't matter...this is a journey we are all on and you don't have to be at your 'ideal' fitness level to do this. Hell, I wasn't when I started and I am still working on myself daily - I cannot ever see that changing) send me a message and let's get you started because if you don't try you will never know. And if you don't know you may be passing up the opportunity of a lifetime. So, I ask you "why not you?" Fear keeps us from doing many things but don't let fear hold you back from this opportunity. <3

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

Contact Info:
New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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