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Canvas & Cocktails - Snoopy Edition

Before Christmas many of my (Facebook) friends had went to Canvas & Cocktails (or similar). I looked into it and it turns out it's an evening out where there's an artist who guides you through to paint a picture while you sip on cocktails (or other beverage). Seems pretty fun, right? Or stressful for someone like myself who has minimum artistic skill. I do some drawing (or try) but that's about it.

My friend had been wanting to go to another one and when she saw that Canvas & Cocktails was doing a snoopy canvas she asked if I wanted to go. How could I say no to Snoopy? Plus, I wanted to give it a try because I heard that the events were fun and easy...and I hadn't heard of anyone's painting NOT turning out great. The cost was $40 which at first I thought "YIKES" BUT everything was provided (minus the drinks), an artist gave each of us her time, it was an evening out AND now I have some art to hang on my wall.

My friends went down to the pub early to eat supper. Of course, I was invited but decided to show up after supper (since I am in prep mode for the competition and didn't want to be tempted - because of that I also didn't have any drinks either). Once there, the back of the pub was all set up. Everything was laid out and bright lights were all around us. The hardest part was the first stroke on the canvas. I have a hard time "starting" things but once I started every stroke became easier and easier.

The artists made everything so simple. She made it clear exactly what needed to be done and when we got confused she would be walking around to help all of us out. AND if you screwed up she would fix your painting. Thankfully none of us messed up though! Plus she was pretty funny too (and super nice)! She definitely made the night enjoyable by encouraging us and saying positive things about our art. I loved the support, motivation and encouragement. I 100% do better at everything in life when I have those 3 factors in my life!

The beginning (aka the scary part)...

The progress...

The final product...

I was SO SO SO happy with the final result. It's hard to believe what I was able to create. The whole time I was joking with the ladies about wondering if mine would even turn out. In fact, ALL of our turned out really well. If you are thinking about going to one - JUST DO IT! You won't regret it! Check them out on Facebook and Instagram.

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