I Am Team Beachbody - Spring Promotion

I AM TEAM BEACHBODY. And here's WHY I am proud of what I do. This company doesn't just sell some shake, some pill, some quick fix instead the company focuses on the vitals for healthy living - eating nutrient dense food in proper portions and working out! If you want long term success you need to put in the WORK and learn to re-wire your mind. If there really was a quick fix we would be set and the world's obesity issues would be solved. But guess what? The issue hasn't been solved because there is no quick fix. Sure, you may see short term result but as soon as you stop your "fix" the weight comes back (and that's a miserable feeling). I've been there...and I am sure you have too. No wonder you're so skeptical about everything (I was super skeptical about Beachbody until I took the time to listen to what the company actually has to offer). So, what make us so unique? And why am I so proud to be part of this organization? In other words, why is my part time job as a Beachbody mentor so important? I'll tell you why and I'm sure you will all be able to relate. Have you ever started to live a healthier life (or at least try to) and not really know what to do but tried it anyway? You had no idea what to eat or even what type of workouts to do. You may have last a week, maybe two and maybe even a month but eventually you threw in the towel. You think you're a failure BUT darling, you're not. So the next thing you do is buy into a quick fix. A product that promises you the world. You give it a try because you've hit rock bottom and don't know what else to do. But it doesn't work...or it works for a while but once you stop that number on the scale creeps back up. We've all been there and in the end we feel like we got "tricked" and "ripped off". Imagine a program that TEACHES you how to eat according to your goals AND offers workouts you can do right in your own home (TWO important factors to living a healthier life). Sounds pretty sweet, right? OH but there's more and it's completely FREE (to you) but is really invaluable to your success and that's mentors like myself. I hold you accountable to your health and fitness goals. I work with you 1:1 and offer you valuable online groups that focus on looking at this process in a completely different way (not your typical diet sweetie - I help you overcome your diet mentality). I make sure you're following the program (the workouts AND what you're eating) so that you are able to see the results you want to see. When you do, it's your goals and your life that will improve. And the best part? When you reach your goals I show you how to MAINTAIN your new weight so you don't reverse your hard WORK (believe me, it's the WORK that's the magic to all of this...not a quick fix). It's real people like yourself that I dedicate my time to ensure you get results AND keep your results. I'm damn PROUD to be part of Team Beachbody. I'm damn PROUD to be a Beachbody mentor. I don't just "sell" you a program and leave you on your own to reach your goals by yourself. I walk with you on your journey...and we do this the right way because shortcuts don't ever get you further ahead.