Atlantic Classics 2017 Show Day
What an experience! What a thrill!

After my posing session with my coach on Friday, we packed up the car and headed to Moncton (about a 2 hour trip). We stayed with friends in Moncton to cut down on hotel cost AND it was nice to catch up with them.

Once we arrived in Moncton, I immediately went to register for show day. There were something like 250 some athletes and the registration was an absolute breeze. The organizers did a wonderful job! Way to go NBPFA.
Once registered, we decided to do a bit of shopping. We hit up Supplement King and Popeyes (since we only have a GNC in Fredericton) and Cleves. There were some great deals on hockey equipment so we picked some up for ball hockey. I cannot wait to try out my new stick.
My spray tanning appointment was at 8:45. It was done by Marlo Pierce I showed up a bit early - it was my first time. There were little "tents" set up everywhere in the hotel. You stripped down naked and the girls sprayed you down (on show day some men were even doing it). I am quite a shy gal but honestly, at this point you don't even care. People are touching you (with permission of course) and you are just so "in the zone" that it doesn't matter. It makes wearing the bikini on stage kinda easy because it feels like you have a lot of clothes on compared to the waxing and spray tanning experiences. They sprayed me down 3 times Friday night. After the tan goes on you have to be careful because it will kinda run off...especially if water is involved. As the hours pass, the tan seems to get darker as well. I had a mini panic attack because quite a bit of my tan came off on my bra (even though it was loose fitting). But it was okay because they fixed it Saturday morning (thank goodness for touch ups).
Friday night, I got about 4 hours sleep maybe? I was excited and just couldn't sleep well. I found out later that Jeff was so nervous for me that he didn't sleep at all. Saturday was the hardest day for food - I was hungry quite a bit. First time all of prep that I was hungry. I woke up and had chicken and rice for breakfast (not a typical breakfast meal) and then I was off to get hair done. My hair was done by Mel Cameron and she did an absolutely AMAZING job. My hair goes flat easily but by 10 pm that night my hair STILL had plenty of volume. My make up appointment was next and was done by Mylene LeBlanc. I cannot say enough about this woman. I absolutely LOVED what she did. She's very detail oriented and I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

After my appointments I immediately went back stage to get settled in. I was able to get my tan fixed up, my suit on (including some glue to stick the suit to my body - it doesn't hurt, I's very light) and my mind in the game.

I was ready fact, too early really because by the time I got on stage I was hungry and just wanted to get it over and done with. I was standing around in my heels for at least an hour (maybe more) before stepping on stage - I was getting pretty cranky to be honest. I had been so worried that I would miss my call out. I didn't prep for 16 weeks to miss my time to shine. Going on stage I can honestly say I wasn't half as nervous as I thought I would be. I had some nerves but I felt so good that everything just seemed to fall into place. If there would have been a reward for girl who felt the best and loved her body the most I'm sure I would have won. I was very turned off with the negative body imagine back stage that many of the girls chatted about - "I'm so fat" "I'm bloated" "I should have done more" was pretty sad to hear actually. Poor body imagine affects a lot of woman - of ALL sizes. <3 I once had very poor body imagine doesn't just change over night. It takes time.

Once on stage, I loved every second. I loved looking at the judges and seeing them look back. I thought I wouldn't like "being judged" but the judges were very friendly. It was nice to see them smiling back rather than "resting bitch faces" which is what I had expected. I was 110% happy with my body and what I brought to that stage.
And then it was over...until the night show. During the afternoon we checked out a bakery. My taste buds were ready to eat but I saved it all for after the night show - I only had a few hours to go. But that doesn't mean I didn't purchase anything!
The afternoon flew by and soon enough it was time for the night show. It was a whole new atmosphere for the night show. I wasn't on until after intermission and was able to sit in the crowd to see the show. WHAT A SHOW! This process has given me a whole new appreciation for muscle - wow! I couldn't believe how many friends made the trip to support me in the crowd AND the social media support was overwhelming. It was absolutely AMAZING how much support I received from social media.

Melissa (an old school mate and now team mate) showed up and surprised us with team sweaters. It was quite a surprise and I cannot stop wearing the sweater.

The night show was a blur for me. It was short and sweet and before I knew it I was off stage. I was relieved. I did it. I accomplished yet another goal. And I loved the experience so much so that I think I will compete again next year. I was even featured in a few newspaper articles.

I quickly packed up my bags and we went out to eat! We chose Sports Rock since it was a spot that we knew was open. Some of the food was good while most of it was just typical pub food. But I didn't was still a treat for me. I also had some candy and chocolate as well as part of a homemade donut (and I am sure I had handfuls of other things too...I basically ate whatever was going around).

On Sunday, my results were posted. I shared last place with a few ladies. This sport doesn't happen over night. The determination, hard work, sacrifice and patience that is needed for it is like no other. I 100%, without a doubt or regret, couldn't have been happier with what I brought to stage this year. I gave it MY ALL and that's all I could ever ask of myself. I KNOW I am a winner and as as you all know my motto is to continue bettering myself every single day and that's EXACTLY what I am planning on doing..But that doesn't mean I don't have fire in my belly and determination in my eyes to train hard and come back next year better than ever. I would be lying if I said competition meant nothing to me. I've always been a competitor - I think it's one reason I love playing (and watching) sports. And if I wasn't a competitor, this sport wouldn't be for me..2018 Atlantic Classics - I have my eyes on you!