FREE Boot Camp With Shaun T (And Me!)
I've said it before and I will say it again. The HARDEST part to living a healthier life is the first few steps. It's getting started that so many of us find the biggest hurdle. The "I'll start tomorrow", "I'll start next Monday", "I'll start next month" are the lines we have told ourselves over and over again (myself included).
Firstly, Shaun T is one of the amazing Beachbody personal trainers. When I heard he was doing a 1 week boot camp my initial thoughts were "boo, only 1 week" and then I realized something. Of course, I'm thinking "only 1 week" because I love exercise and want more. Trust me, at one point in time I couldn't stand working out - how things have changed over the years! BUT this isn't about me. THIS is about helping others (like yourself) take the first steps. It's to help others get started. It's ONLY 1 week of commitment. It's short and sweet and is enough time to get everyone on the right (healthy) path.

THIS is AMAZING for YOU. Not only will you get Shaun T as your personal trainer for a full week you get Shaun T as your personal trainer for FREE (yes, completely FREE no strings attached). If you know ANYTHING about this man you know that he is willing to help ANYONE without a single string attached. He's been all around the world helping people with their fitness. The bonus? You also get me AND my team helping you through the week. You get a mini accountability group with ALL of us (well, all of us who will be participating in Shaun T week) cheering you on and making sure you get the right kick start that you need.
Interested? Check this video out regarding Shaun T week that will run from June 12 - 16! :)
Now, the only thing you should be thinking is "Steph this sounds amazing - how do I sign up". Seriously, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. TRY for a week to commit yourself to living a healthier life and I am sure you will be surprised by the end of the week.
Do it for your significant other. Do it for your kids. Do it for your sister. Do it for your mother. Do it for others in your life who cannot sweat. Most importantly, do it for yourself sweetie. It's free and it's only a week. Feel free to add yourself into our exclusive Facebook group. The offer is open to Canada and USA residents. Once added in, I encourage you to introduce yourself and send me a message so I can send you your link to the FREE at home workouts. I cannot wait to interact with you and see you take your very first steps into healthy living.