Lose The Excuses & You Will Find The Results
Six reasons why giving up is easier than trying to lose weight. And why so many people choose to give up on themselves.
1. It's hard! YUP! No sugar coating this one. The grind day in and day out is probably more effort than I ever imagined. BUT the way I feel is what keeps me going. Accountability and motivation to better myself and others around me has become a passion of mine. My job is to help others stay accountable. Going through the tough times together keeps all of us accountable and stronger every day.
2. Fear of failure. Everything we do, I believe, we fear that we will fail - jobs, marriage, kids, etc.. Getting out of the mindset of needing to be perfect needs to happen now. No one is perfect and we will all have our bad days but that doesn't mean we have to stop trying. When I have a bad day I re-focus and get back on track. Failing is just not an option so don't even consider it - remove the word from your vocabulary.
3. Fear of being judged. To the person who judges others - STOP! To the person who cares what others think - STOP! Focusing on my goals and my team is what I do. If people judge me for it - Oh well! I'm living my life and doing what I want to do - actually HELPING others achieve their health & fitness goals while keeping myself accountable for my own. I will 100% stand behind anyone who is TRYING to better their life.
4. Blame. People blame others for their own health and don't believe they have control over themselves. Listen, it's not other people's fault. The only person you can blame is yourself. I played this game for years. I told myself that I was overweight because of my family (genetics), my friends, my roommates, my schooling, etc.. Once you decided to stop blaming others and get in control of your own life things will start to fall into place.
5. Habit. Habits are hard to break (TRUST ME! I preach this all the time) and sometimes even when we are trying we still mistakenly put our hands in the chip bowl and eat some. It's not because we are consciously wanting to eat chips instead it is because it has been a habit of ours for years and years. Replacing those habits with healthier habits creates the healthy lifestyle.
6. Priorities. If you are not willing to make yourself a priority you will never see the results you want. If you are willing to put everyone and everything else ahead of you and not look after you, don't complain about who you see when you look in the mirror. I complained for years that I was always doing what others wanted and not having any time for me (which was just another excuse).

Photo credit: JM Photography
I talk to people ALL THE TIME who want change but are not willing to put in the effort or better yet "don't have money" or "don't have the time". Listen we can all say we don't have time or money. The key to finding time is to make time even if that means getting up a half hour earlier for a workout. The key to finding money is to budget and make it a priority. Have you ever wanted to go on a trip or maybe buy a new shirt or shoes? How about that cute purse or make up that you really want? Video game? Teas (okay, okay maybe I am the only one who can spend A LOT of money on tea)? Ever think about saving the money from your morning coffee run? Make your own coffee instead! When you want something bad enough you will save up the money and get what you want OR if you are lucky enough someone special might purchase it for you as a gift. If you want something bad enough you can and will always figure out a way to make the purchase.
I never thought the at home workout purchase was ever expensive because I was a gym rat before I started them. The gym was more expensive PLUS I didn't have an actual program to follow (unless I made my own which was a big pain in the booty). If you think a complete at home workout program is expensive (which it really isn't) I ask you "how much is your health worth to you?". The workout program I am currently doing is costing me less than $1 a day (it's a 3 month program). I would say less than $1 a day is worth it - wouldn't you? If you repeat programs (no shame in that! I repeated 21 day fix for 6 months) you can save even more money. I'm just sayin'! Instead of looking at the cost think about if you are willing to make the effort that needs to be made in order to change. If you use the program/products you purchase than it won't be a waste of money because you will see the results you want. Many times people are not willing to put in the effort and use lack of money and/or time as an excuse instead of committing (been there and done that for years).
Choose you and you will be a lot happier.