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When There Is No Comparison

We live a life of constant comparison and that's why reviews are so popular. If you are anything like me you research the items you purchase before you purchase them. I will stand in the store on review sites to make my own decision on the best product for me. I might love a product because it is perfect for my wants and needs but someone else might not like it because it doesn't fit their wants and needs. For me, I don't mind putting the extra money into a product if I'm going to like it more. It took me YEARS to finally learn this lesson. I use to base a lot of my buying decisions on cost. If it was cheaper I would tend to buy that product but then always wonder about the product I originally had my eyes on. I now purchase based on what I want and what I will like (of course, I still budget and live my life within the budget).

Shakeology was a product I compared. I compared it for months. I read about it and learned about it (you can read more about it here) while I learned about other shakes on the market too. I wasn't looking for a weight loss drink and I was always of the opinion that I didn't want to take a shake because of all the negativity that surrounds them (and for good reason). Many shakes on the market have questionable synthetic ingredients in them and are loaded with sugar. Some contain too few calories so getting off the shake is nearly impossible to not gain weight. On the other hand, many shakes contain A LOT of calories. Years ago, I started drinking a protein shake after my workouts. I really liked it because it tasted good and it was a way to get a lot of protein into me without having to eat immediately after my workouts (plus it was low in calories). Having said that, it only gave me protein and no other nutrients. I had also started taking multi-vitamins to help get all the nutrients into me but I wasn't overly excited about that supplementation. If you are able to get your vitamins in a natural form your body is able to use them more efficient and effectively.

By doing my research, I started to quickly realize that Shakeology is one of a kind on the market. There are no artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors and it doesn't contain gluten however it isn't certified as gluten free. It's not a protein shake. It's a nutrient dense shake (lots of vitamins and minerals) that contains protein. Shakeology does have 9 g of sugar and many people might think that's high (I was one of those people) but it does comes from the natural whole food ingredients. It is actually certified low glycemic index. Fruits are a great example of healthy foods that contain natural occurring sugars.

After all the research and understanding Shakeology rather than completely dismissing it without learning about it (something I have been guilty about in the past) I was faced with the cost issue. I remember thinking "Holy hell. Why is this stuff so expensive?". I decided to go back to learning a bit more about Shakeology. It turns out that the natural whole food ingredients found in Shakeology are from all over the world (70+ nutrients dense whole foods). This perked my interest because I knew that there are a lot of foods from other countries that the Western world has never heard of but the benefits of the foods are amazing. I continued to read about the processes used to make Shakeology including the quality control that Beachbody does in these regions (BTW Shakeology has been tested for heavy metal contamination and has passed - something else that had worried me in the past) to the minimal heating (very low heat) process used to ensure the highest quality of the ingredients added into Shakeology. Many times the heating process for these ingredients could be at very high temperatures which would lead to degradation of the ingredients. Lastly, I read about the years of work put into Shakeology formulation. Harvard scientists discovered which ratios of ingredients work best. I am not aware of another shake on the market that has these high quality standards. I finally understood why the Shakeology price was higher compared to other shakes on the market.

I decided I needed to give it a try. Beachbody actually offers a discount of 25% to people who drink it on a monthly basis (which can be cancelled at any time with no extra charges) so I decided to get the discount. I was terrified to try it but it was MORE than I ever expected. And honestly, to this day the first recipe I ever tried is still my favourite. You can find the recipe here. I actually have tried other Shakeology recipes that I haven't really liked. Everyone has their own taste and it's important for me to be eating/drinking things that I like or enjoy. The last thing I want is to be dreading one of my upcoming meals.

Admittedly, I don't try everything on the market. I first review ingredients of a product and they need to pass the "Steph's approval" before I test it out. I hopped on the Shakeology band wagon and have stayed on it. Oh! But I was terrified to tell anyone about it. Many people are quick to think it's just "some shake" and not understand it (I was one of those people). It's understandable because it's the only thing we've known. It's by the far the best thing I have ever tried. The biggest benefits for me is that it keeps me full for a few hours (and I have a HUGE appetite) and curbs my sweet tooth.

High quality products usually get mimicked and it wouldn't surprise me if Shakeology would eventually be mimicked (if it hasn't already been). It happens with purses, clothes, cars, etc. all the time. In fact, it happened with the 21 day fix. Many companies tried to sell the colour coded containers for a quick dollar. AND I would bet that many people bought them and then didn't do anything with them. It goes back to the start of this post. In the past, I would have been one of those people. I would have been the person purchasing cheap containers and then left wondering about the 21 day fix program. This company isn't about a quick buck. When customers purchase a complete program they are really purchasing a service. Our jobs as coaches is to guide and help our customers through the process and that's what makes us different from other network marketing companies. Don't get me wrong I love Tupperware, Scentsy, Avon, etc. but it's different and there really is no comparison! As a coach, I am providing a service to my customers not just a product. A service that has the potential to be with them for the rest of their lives, if they choose.

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