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From YMCA Member To Beachbody

I did something this month that I never thought I would do. Years ago I fell in love with the YMCA. I enjoyed everything about it. It wasn't like other gyms. There were people of all shapes and sizes and ages. I never felt left out or out of place. I'm sure you have went to gyms before where you just feel uncomfortable too. But the YMCA was perfect. I didn't love working out when I first started going. I remember waiting until it was close to closing time before I would head on over to get my workout in. I dreaded it the whole day but eventually started to like it and changed my night routine to my morning routine. My morning routine was so regular that people started to recognize me (there are a lot less people that workout in the mornings) and be friendly with me. I never thought employees at a gym would put in so much effort to have a conversation with me. They cared! And I saw that over and over again when they would send cards to people who had been sick or other unfortunate events happening in their lives. The classes were awesome and the instructors were so helpful and non intimidating but always wanting me to push my limits. I really believe that I started pushing my limits because of them. I was always the girl who held back - have you ever felt like you were holding back because you were just too scared? I didn't want to do something wrong so I liked to just workout in my comfort zone. BUT these trainers were serious and they built my confidence up when working out telling me that I could do more and should do more. I really felt like I was part of the YMCA family.

I started working out to Beachbody programs about a year ago. I was impressed with what they had to offer. And I was happy that the programs focused on form. I saw that what I was taught at the YMCA was also being taught on these programs. After my first Beachbody workout I thought "wow"! I was so impressed with the workout. I had worked out for less time than I had at the gym but knew I had a better workout. I was dripping with sweat and I even remembering having to modify some things (btw there is absolutely nothing wrong with modifying. Everyone starts somewhere.).

I can honestly say that I instantly fell in love. I never use to go to the YMCA on weekends and many times I would just go to the YMCA 4 out of the 5 days during the week. When you are working full time it is hard to find the time to drive to the gym, workout and then drive home again. It takes time and sometimes I was just too tired to be bothered with it. So these Beachbody programs were something I would do on my days that I wasn't going to the YMCA. I started looking forward to them more than the gym and then I started cutting down on the amount of time I was going to the gym. I was getting better workouts with the ones I was doing at home and my classes were getting easier and easier for me. The programs I was doing at home were already mapped out so I didn't have to think "okay. Today I am going to do legs and these are the leg exercises I am going to do" (that also takes time and I didn't have time to be doing that). Shortly after my first Beachbody workout I stopped going to the YMCA altogether but I did keep my membership. I thought "oh maybe these at home workouts are just a phase I am going through" or "maybe I will want to do some at home workouts and gym classes in the future" or "maybe I will not find the motivation to workout at home and need to go back to the gym". That membership was like a security blanket for me. But this month I gave up my membership. It was pretty hard for me to do because of the history I have with the place but I wasn't using it and I needed to let go. Having said that, my passion can change and my future is not written so I may end up being a Y member again. But for now, my heart is with Beachbody and their programs and products. I still love the YMCA and can only hope to be involved in it in the future.

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

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New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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