Country Heat Transformation Story
"Over the last 2 years I had gained back all the weight I had lost, and had been hiding it pretty well. I was honored to have been...

Remembering My Past Now And Forever
This girl is me before I even considered working out or eating well (in fact, it was another 1.5 years before I decided to start my...

A Story That Has No End
When I decided I needed a change in my life 5+ years ago I had no idea that the decision would have no end and that it would become a...

Ending 2016 On A Proud Note
This past year has been amazing. Little did I know a year ago that my life would have changed so much (for the better) and most of that...

A Lot Can Happen In A Year...
Excuses are useless. Results are priceless. A lot can happen in a year. What you do every single day will lead you to where you are at...

A Year From Now...Transformation
This girl right here! I am so freakin' proud of her and what she has done in the last year. You see, I often share with you results of...

Happiness Is Part Of The Journey Not The Destination
I use to think 'I will be happy when I weigh x amount' or 'things will be different when I reach my goal weight'. I finally reached my...

The Decision To Try
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Over 5 years ago, I made the...

Progress Not Perfection
I get home from work a bit earlier than Jeff...and I can slip into some dark bad habits. In our house, we try and keep nutritious food...

From Dreading Workouts To Loving Workouts
This face is more than a face after a good workout session. There's a part of my past that I want to block from my memory forever. You...