Chimo Run 2016
Last Sunday I participated in another 10 km run. It was the Chimo run and was the first time I even heard of this organization but once I heard about it I knew I just needed to support and participate in the event. Chimo is a provincial, confidential toll-free telephone service providing information and a crisis/suicide help line.

I'm glad I've learned this sooner in life rather than later in life. Just a few weeks ago I ran my first 10 km. I was nervous and excited and every other emotion under the sun. I was a mess the night before the run. BUT I did it. You can read about my experience here. It's only scary until you do it. And I know I stopped myself in the past from doing things because they would be 'my firsts'. Crazy right? But I get anxious and my stomach kinda gets upset every time I do something unknown and in the past I just never pushed myself outside my comfort zone because I never wanted to feel that way. You know what I'm talking about, right? Well, here's my advice to you. Do it! Because all those feelings even those anxious feelings are worth it in the end. I cannot tell you how good and proud you will feel. That feeling of accomplishment and knowing you did something that you once thought you would never be able to do is worth the effort and worth all those mixed feelings.
This run didn't have many participants at all. I met a girl at the starting line who was running her first 10 km. She was having second thoughts because she was so nervous but I talked to her and hope I made her feel more comfortable. I met her at the finish line and she was one happy camper. She did great! I often talk about how Beachbody coaches are absolutely awesome (at least the ones I am surrounded with...of course, I am sure there are a few 'bad apples' out there) but runners also have that same personality. During the run, all other participants were so encouraging and supportive. When passing one another we often gave words of encouragement to keep going and how well we were doing. This happens at almost every run I have participated in...along with a lot of "sorry's" at the start when people are passing - Oh Canada I love you. But my point is that it's the support and encouragement that really helps me be the best I can be. Many gyms don't provide that kind of support. In fact, many times you get lost in the gym and forgotten. I must say that the YMCA is the best gym I've been to for instructors wanting to actually know their class and also know the people in the main gym area (this is rare in my opinion and from my experience). If you are in a position where you feel confident with your gym routine and your nutrition please make the time to make newbies feel welcome in whatever you are doing. It makes all the difference in the world.