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How Much Is Your Health Worth To You?

How much is your health worth to you?

I use to think this healthy living was expensive. I always opted for the cheapest things. I was the girl who would sit down with the flyers on a weekly basis and write down the best sales and eat that for the week (no matter how unhealthy it would be...all I cared about was that it was cheap). I would clip coupons religiously and store them in my purse. I would make sure if I could get something cheap I would get it even if I didn't really need it or use it. Don't get me wrong - I am STILL a bargain shopper (who doesn't love a good sale? Seriously!) BUT I've also realized that buying something for the sake of buying it is useless. Who cares if it is cheap if you're not going to use it? And why choose the unhealthy foods just so it can affect you later on in life. Yes, it's an immediate savings but living like that for years affects your health (I can tell you from personal experience. Thank goodness I stopped when I did). I'm not saying that healthy living is the cheapest thing in the world. It's all on how you budget and how you look at things depending on your priorities. But I am saying that when you prioritize your money so that you put money into your healthy living it's no longer something you look at as expensive. It becomes a part of your lifestyle. In the past, I would have never thought that I would PAY to run in running events such as the foam run, mud hero, Santa shuffle, etc. (you've seen all the runs I've done this year). I always thought "wow that seems like a waste of money" BUT most of the time that money is going towards a charity AND it's now part of my lifestyle so I don't even think twice about it when registering. It's who I am and what I do. Just like someone living an unhealthy lifestyle doesn't think about their expenses to their unhealthy habits (again, I know because I spent a lot of money on not so healthy habits in the past). I now have ZERO problems paying a dollar more for an ingredient or food that I know is ONE HUNDRED times better for me. Why? Because once you start this lifestyle and feeling better you realize that that one dollar you would have fussed about in the past is worth how you feel now as well as how you live life rather than just going through the motions of life. Gym memberships cost money. At home workouts cost money. CrossFit costs money. Healthy snacks cost money. Protein cost money. Shakeology cost money. It's true that all that healthy living cost money but so does the unhealthy living. You might not see the cost now but continue down that road and you will see it. It might not be in actual money but it could be in life instead. This morning I said my secret to this lifestyle was to find a WHY to live the healthy lifestyle. My WHY is because I want to live for a very long time. I'm actually pretty terrified of death to be honest with all of you. I want to be as healthy as I can be for as long as I can be. And yes, it's true there are some things that I cannot control and I may end up with some type of disease. BUT I can't go around thinking like that. Instead I know that eating well and working out are key components in staying healthy so that's what I do every single day. I became a coach to help people achieve their goals and I love helping people stay on track. It's exciting because I still remember when I first started and what a difference it has made in my life and I know the difference it will make in theirs. My life has completely changed for the better all because I hit rock bottom and decided I needed the change. Obviously, I cannot do the work for you BUT I can guarantee I will be in your corner cheering you on each and every day but YOU need to communicate with me otherwise I will never be able to help you. I work WITH YOU through texting, calling you, Facebook messenger, Facebook groups...whatever YOU choose. I don't offer quick fixes. There's no such thing so stop thinking that way. So let me ask you again, what's your health worth to you? Find your WHY and let me help you stay accountable to reach your goals.

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

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New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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