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Ending 2016 On A Proud Note

This past year has been amazing. Little did I know a year ago that my life would have changed so much (for the better) and most of that change is because of coaching. A year can do so much...either in the positive or negative direction. Today, I am taking the time to reflect on all the positives and what I've been able to do this past year. Sure, there were goals I made that I didn't reach but that doesn't mean I'm still not trying to crush 'em but today I am reminding myself of everything I did accomplish.

1. Running! I have upped my running game in 2017. I just started running in 2016 and this year I ran my first 10 km in under an hr. I also took part in various running obstacle courses and continue to have my own personal records. 2017 may be the year I run my first half marathon.

2. Helping people get healthy and lose weight. This one brings tears to my eyes. I know the struggle to lose weight. I know the struggle to be heavy and to feel miserable every single day because of the low energy and having difficulty doing simple everyday tasks. It fucking sucks! So to be able to help people who were just like me turn their lives around...I have no words. It's an amazing feeling and I will continue to help as many people as I can in 2017.

3. Learning to play a new sport - ball hockey. This one was something scary to start doing but I have absolutely fallen in love with the game and the people I play with every week. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

4. We moved from a small apartment to a house! I'm proud of that commitment and that Jeff and I were able to save enough money to be able to take the leap into being home owners.

5. Sticking to my own health & fitness goals. I am so much stronger, faster, healthier than a year ago. I would argue that most people want to commit to a healthier version of themselves but end up giving up a month or two in. I've been able to stick with this healthy lifestyle for another year (in total 5.5 years now)...progress is progress even if it's slower than most. The physical and emotional transformations I see in myself shows me that 2016 was a great year for me. I didn't go backwards...I went forward and I don't have to wish 2016 away.

6. Finding myself and learning about myself. A year ago, I had no idea who I was, what I liked, where I was going or what I was doing. I felt lost and confused. I may not have it all figured out yet but I have finally started listening to myself and my heart. I've learned to do what I want to do instead of listening to everyone else around me. I know what makes me tick now.

7. Being able to come out and share some of my story to other people. I struggled with emotional binge eating in the past and that is a hard pill to swallow. That cut is still deep and it's hard to tell others about what I have went through (and sometimes still go through). I've come a long way and I continue to heal. Telling my story is part of the healing but it's also to show others that are struggling how I have overcome that monster. 8. Being the 'yes' girl. I use to always say 'no' to things because of fear but now I say 'yes' to things because of fear. Fear set me back in life and I refuse for it to control my future. I'm not afraid to try new things anymore.

9. I'm proud to be part of of my Beachbody team and family. I can talk about them forever. It's something I have never experienced before. I use to think that people selling products were just people who wanted to get a quick buck out of you. I no longer thing that. The people I connect with on a daily basis are just like you and I. They are not different. They are not looking for a quick buck. And they do not want to scam you. We all love Beachbody products and have been given the opportunity to share it with others. Think of your favourite products and how much you tell your friends and family about them? Now, think if that company gave you the opportunity to help others experience your love of that product. Pretty cool, right? Beachbody is no different for me or them. 10. I'm proud of this blog and me documenting my journey. One of my 2016 resolutions was to start documenting my journey a hell of a lot better than I had for the last 4 years (seriously, I hardly had anything before this year). I had no idea how to start a blog or what to do but here I am blogging about my journey.

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

Contact Info:
New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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