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Please Stop Being So Freakin' Bitter

Why oh why do people have to be so miserable? I'm not sure if I will ever know the answer because I just do not understand these types of people (and that's okay). You know, the people who are miserable no matter where they are in life (or what they are doing)...nothing is ever good enough for them. You might be one of them or at the very least I am sure you know someone (at least one) like this - please read on either way. Oh! And forget about trying to help these people (sorry but it's true). They would rather be bitter (and miserable) than take any help. These people are the people who also think that the worst only happens to them. Do they honestly think shitty bad luck doesn't happen to all of us? But guess what, it does and we make it through. I am constantly reminding myself that I can never help anyone who refuses to help themselves. It's a tough one for me because I really do want to help as many people as I possibly can.

If you wake up day in and day out with a shitty attitude and expect things to just start 'turning around' for you I think you should re-evaluate your situation. If you don't like the situation you are in why don't you change it? Yes, you can change it (even if you think you cannot...there is ALWAYS a way but you might not like it). It might be difficult but you can change it. What's holding you back? Why are you scared to change? Do you enjoy being bitter, cranky and bitchy while trying to make everyone around you feel the same way? Maybe you do...but that's no way to live in my opinion. What pisses me off the most is these people bringing other people down around them as well. I have seen it time and time again. Bubbly, energetic, helping people who get sucked into a bitter, miserable, judgmental, hateful life because of the people around them. In a sense, these adults remind me of the bullies I thought grew up after high school/elementary (apparently some never ever grew up though but that doesn't mean they can't).

Looking at this post so far you may have stopped reading or you may be continuing to read because it's caught your interest for whatever reason (I'm happy it has caught your attention). Maybe you can relate and want to fill your life with as much positivity as you can or maybe you are one of the people that I am talking about and have finally decided that you want to change but really don't know how (it's okay - I can help you but remember you have to help yourself first). If you know anything about me, you will know that I hate it when people just complain (like I am right now) without providing some type of solution or movement in the right direction (so don't worry, my solution or 'step in the right direction' is coming).

Being a Beachbody coach, I've seen people change their lives around (physically and mentally - a real transformation requires both to change in my opinion especially the mind set). At first, I didn't really believe can someone change that much? Is it even possible? But I've realized that when someone actually wants change they will do anything and everything to get to where they want to be (I've even seen it in myself). Call it whatever you want but they have a desire that no excuse can stop them. Having said that, you can have all the desire in the world but without the right tools and encouragement motivation can be lost quickly and bad habits can come back quickly. I know, it's happened to me before and will probably continue to happen to me for the rest of my life but that doesn't mean that I am ever going to stop trying to better myself (it's very rewarding actually and there is no shame in trying to better yourself every day).

You might be thinking...'okay Steph, what's your solution? You're starting to ramble' (yeah, I get off track easily...squirrel) The simplest yet possibly the hardest thing you can do is to change the way you think. It sounds simple but changing your mind and your habits are super hard to do (but again, they can be done). So, how in the world do you do this? Life can be difficult and scary and sometimes it's easier to just hide and be bitter but again, it's no way to live life. Start adding personal development into your life. Now, before you think 'ugh self help shit' (I know, because that was my first thought when a wonderful woman recommended it to me) try and open your mind (close minded people get no where in life so stop judging before you try it). Personal development/self help has come A LONG way. They can be podcasts or books and they can even be motivational videos from Youtube (you know, the ones that are shared thousands and thousands of times...the ones that I am sure most of you have 'liked'). It's encouraging to see what others have overcome and how they have done it along with what tools they have used to do it...from simple meditation, to exercise, to getting up earlier to get shit done so you don't feel so overwhelmed in the evenings. The simple exercise of replacing every negative thought that comes into your head with a positive thought (seems simple but can be very difficult for a very negative person to overcome but again, it can be's one things that I continue to practice). It's these SIMPLE things that are so easy to do but also so easy to not do but makes the difference. You might not see a change in a day, in a week, or in a month but I promise you that over time you will start to see the change. Add in just 10-15 minutes of personal development a day to better yourself and your life as well as radiating positive energy/vibes into the world and to your loved ones.

Recommendations to read FIRST when you’re starting a new journey: Miracle Morning The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy No Excuses - Brian Tracy The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson PUSH- Chalene Johnson Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: Start with WHY - Simon Sinek How to Rock Your Network Marketing Biz- Sarah Robbins Go Pro- Eric Worre Jab Jab Jab Right Hook- Gary Vaynerchuk Struggling with CONFIDENCE? You Are a Badass- Jen Sincero The Confidence Code The Gift of Imperfections Every Day a Friday - Joel Osteen Unlimited - Jillian Michaels

I Am That Girl - Alexis Jones Daily Discipline: The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson No Excuses - Brian Tracy The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Living Your Best Year ever - Darren Hardy Time Management: Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy Miracle Morning - Hal Eldrod Push - Chalene Johnson ( Mindset: You Can, You Will - Joel Osteen The Charge - Brenden Buchard Lifes Golden Ticket - Brenden Buchard Motivation Manifesto - Brenden Buchard The Power of Intention - Wayne Dyer Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins Failing Forward - John C. Maxwell Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters - Jon Acuff Every Day a Friday - Joel Osteen Living an Exceptional Life - Jim Rohn Daring Greatly - Brene Brown Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life Start with WHY - Simon Sinek The Go Giver The Energy Bus Goal Setting: PUSH- Chalene Johnson Goals!- Brian Tracy The Desire Map- Danielle LaPorte Unlimited - Jillian Michaels PODCASTS: The Charged Life- Brendan Burchard The Chalene Show- Chalene Johnson Shakeology Podcast- Beachbody Build Your Tribe- Chalene Johnson Joel Osteen Podcast The Ask Gary Vee Show- Gary Vaynerchuk

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Stephanie Richardson is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. 

Contact Info:
New Brunswick, Canada |
© 2017 Stephanie Richardson
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