International Women's Day 2017

Happy International Women's Day
Meet Helene

Helene is my gym buddy. She's been with me almost since the very beginning of my journey. We were complete strangers but both were morning workout gals who love to chat (so you can see how our friendship was built). Turns out she's from my hometown, competed when she was younger and is strong, determined and dedicated. She's in incredible shape and has zero issues doing whatever her heart desires. But besides all that physical stuff she has a heart of gold. She's always willing to help out and be my therapist when I need to vent or am having a bad day. She's a true friend and inspiration. There's a reason people come into our lives and I have no doubt in my mind that we are in each other's lives for a reason. I look forward to seeing her every morning - there's never a dull moment at the gym when she's around.
Meet Heather

It wouldn't be a day of inspiration if I didn't talk about my girl, my friend, my coach, Heather! If I could only choose 1 person that I've constantly looked up to and supported and been inspired/motivated/determined to be the best damn version of myself it would be Heather. First, she's REAL (she is someone being the best version of herself while still living her life). She doesn't hold back. She isn't afraid to show who she is and where she is going and how she is doing it. She cares about her health and her clients health before all else (physical and mental) - no quick fixes just hard work in the gym and the kitchen. She is an athlete inside and out who just wants to lift heavy shit and put it down again (she is not afraid to lift heavy at all which to me is so inspiring - be strong ladies!). She's a crossfitter (I really need to try it sometime), gym goer and an athletic competitor (my bikini gal) but no matter what she is doing she puts her heart into it 110%. But on top of all that, Heather lifts other women up and gives them that warm tingly feeling inside (that feeling of "YEAH! I can do anything I want to do" because she truly believes in you like no other). I cannot say enough about this woman - I brag about her all the time because I truly believe she's someone that many of us should have in our lives.
Meet Stacey

Inspiration from complete strangers is something I didn't think was possible. Mainly, because any random person I would come across on FB or IG would fit that "perfect" type - you know, the type where at the end of the day you kinda end up going to bed thinking "what in the heck am I doing wrong to be living this disaster/disorganized/crazy life while she has everything under control?" I'm sure you must have looked at your life at some point in time and thought that (I know I have). I blame a lot of it on social media and only being shown what people want us to see rather than the whole story. BUT the story is really what matters. It's HARD to get inspiration from people who seem to have all their ducks in a row (trust me - they don''s just the moments they capture that look that way). Stacey is like no other! Honestly, this girl's social media is like reality tv (and I mean that in a positive way - it's THE BEST!). She tells you when she is on top of the world but she also shows you her lowest times. Her times when she is struggling and doesn't know how she will make it through. She shows the struggles and how it isn't always "rainbows and sunshine". Pretty great gal, right? It gets better. She's in her 40's and is a mom and wife plus has a job AND most recently competed in the ARNOLDS as a bikini competitor (HUGE HUGE HUGE EVENT in the athletic competitive sport). That goal didn't just happen over night. You have to qualify to be in that competition and this woman trained HARD (and ate well) to get there. I don't think I will EVER forget a video she did a little over a month away from that biggest competition. She was at the gym doing cardio and tears were coming down her face - those tears were from words that someone had said to her and she just couldn't "shake them". Words are powerful and can hurt so be careful what you say. She had a choice to either train harder than she ever did before or crumble and lock herself away from the world. Her choice was the first one. That women turned up the heat and gave it her all. There's no way she could ever be upset with what she brought to stage at the Arnolds. I cannot tell you how proud I was of her (even though she remains basically a stranger to me).
I've only exchanged personal messages back and forth with Stacey a couple of time but she is so sweet, helpful and encouraging. There's no goal big enough for this lady - you better believe she is going to continue setting and crushing goals for herself while inspiring others around her to do the same thing!
Meet my mom

Who's that woman who has inspired me my entire life? My mom, of course! She's done it from day 1 and continues to do it every single day. I look at her life and what she does every single day and really do think of her as Super Woman (you can reveal yourself anytime)! To this day, I have no idea how she manages EVERYTHING. I'm not a mom but I have a great role model for when I do become a mom. She's taken that job to a whole new level. She supports me in whatever I decide to do and motivates me to live my dreams every step of the way. You don't get to choose your mom but if I did I would choose mine.
Meet my friends and family

Of course my whole life is surrounded with inspiring women - family and friends. If you're in my life you are inspiring me. I thought about listing every one of you but realized quickly that I would probably miss someone. Everyone inspires me in my life in different ways and different areas of my life. We all have the choice of who we surround ourselves with and who will be by our side to support and build us up. Be the woman you would want to meet.
Meet my Beachbody team
Imagine a group of ladies from all around Canada and USA who lift you up every single day - ladies who at one point were complete strangers to me. I said it before and I'll say it again - I believe people cross each other's paths for a reason. These ladies are my Beachbody family, my team, my tribe, my support, my motivation and my inspiration! These ladies strive for progress and bettering themselves every single day - in their business, careers, workouts, eating habits, motherhood, as wives and overall just being a good human being. They help me better myself every single day too. The decision to join the Beachbody family to help others has inspired me beyond belief. I had no idea the types of ladies I would meet (I thought I was just going to help others) - athletic competitors, cyclists, marathon runners, and the list goes on. All these ladies have a story to tell. We are all passionate about this lifestyle and I'm so happy to know these ladies and be part of the sisterhood.